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ACAC Spac (PlayStudios): A Solid Risk Reward Longer Term Play (Long)

Hey guys, I have a bit of a long DD on ACAC / Playstudios. You can read the text below. If you want to see the full post with all the nice pictures, you can check it out here. I was too lazy to upload each picture individually to Imgur. Apologies in advance.
I've seen numerous people on Reddit compare the ACAC / Playstudios SPAC to Skillz, and some even to Draftkings. I think this is mainly because they're all in the online gaming / gambling industry, but aside from that, the companies themselves are quite different.
I think a more apt comparison should be between Playstudios and Playtika (Ticker: PLTK), since they operate in the same vertical, compete against one another in mobile slots games, and Playtika has publicly available financial data in which I will be making comparisons against.
Playtika Analysis
You can find Playtika's prospectus here
First and foremost, Playtika is one of the leaders in the mobile casino space. They have an assortment of games, and they themselves are diversifying into more casual games (similar to what Playstudios says they are trying to do), but their bread and butter are casino games, and the ones that make the most money for them are slots.
Slotomania, House of Fun, and Caesars Slots are all mobile slots games, and as you can see from the above, they generate a significant portion of Playtika's revenues (roughly 50% of their 2020 revenues).
OK, so why do I keep bringing up Playtika? Well, they had a very interesting graph that shows how much of their revenues come from different segments of their user base, based on when they acquired those users.
What this chart is saying is that 45% of their revenues came from users acquired from 2013 and earlier!
This is insane! They have such high user retention and user LTVs, that they're still monetizing a portion of their users that they acquired from 7 years ago.
If we go up to 2017, then roughly 75% of their revenues come from users acquired 2017 and earlier!
This is important because Playtika's oldest games are all slots games. So this is telling us that users that play mobile slots games, they tend to stay with those games for extremely long periods of time, and if they do stick with them, they spend a lot of money! This is great news since the vast majority of Playstudio's revenues come from mobile slots games.
If you look at Playtika's financials, you'll notice pretty nice revenue growth. However, a lot of that is non-organic, and was accomplished through M&A. This was because in 2016, Playtika was acquired by a consortium of Chinese game companies for $4.4 billion (including Giant Network, a well known gaming company in China), and they need to make revenue numbers higher to have a better story to sell for the IPO.
And part of their strategy was to diversify into casual games, and they did so by acquiring about 15 companies since 2016, including Wooga (developer of June's Journey, a very profitable find hidden objects mobile game) and Supertreat (developer of Solitaire Grand Harvest, a profitable card game).
However, one of the caveats of casual games is that the ARPPU (average revenue per paying user) is lower, and retention is lower than casino games. I did my own calculations on Playtika's ARPPU for 2018, 2019, and 2020, and you can see the noticeable downtrend. This was obviously not disclosed in the prospectus. Only ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) was disclosed.
My belief is that even though ARPPU and retention are lower, maybe the market is giving a higher multiple to casual games. I believe that even though online gambling is beginning to see legalization in many states, and more and more people are starting to be open to it, there is still a bit of a social stigma associated with it, and certain investors may be wary to investing in a pure "casino" play. That's why Playtika is making such a concerted effort to move away from purely casino games, and positioning itself as an mobile entertainment company. Another reason is also the immense competition and high user acquisition costs, but Playtika has shown that they are more than able to execute on a long term strategy here.
Playstudios Analysis
Before jumping into anything else, I want to go straight to Playstudio's financials.
The reason is because I think there's a lot of fluff here, and I want people to know the bullshit. But even when you see through the bullshit, the downside is still mitigated enough to warrant this play.
So first off, take any numbers you see from 2022 with a grain of salt. No one knows what's going to happen this year, let alone two years in the future, and in my eyes, those 2022 numbers look extremely unrealistic. Revenue growth will probably not be that high, unless they make some big acquisitions, and EBITDA margin expansion probably won't be that fast.
Revenue Growth
Playstudios is planning on launching a Bingo and an RPG game, and their plan is to aggressively spend on UA (User Acqusition) in 2021. Their hope is that revenues will scale up with their UA, and by 2022, they can lower their UA spend a bit, and continue to monetize the new games exceptionally well, maybe at an even better rate than 2021.
I think this is a bit farfetched, especially in such a competitive space as Bingo. I've done analysis on Bingo games before, and some of those games have also been around for 8 to 10 years, and they can't expect to just launch a game and have it ramped up to their expected revenue in a year's time. Development for those games requires game designers, people who are very good at math, product designers, and a many other people, which can make the development timeline quite long (at least a few months, for a more finished product, I think at least half a year for these guys). I think a more plausible scenario is that they acquire a smaller Bingo player, and then begin optimizing that game, and add in their own loyalty rewards, as that's the quickest way to ramp up revenues post IPO.
My guess is revenues are not going to ramp up as quickly as they expect, and they'll see limited revenue growth here, and still mainly see some growth from better monetizing their slots players. I think by 2022, somewhere between $350 million to $400 million in revenues is more reasonable, and I'd probably lean towards the lower end of that range.
Margin Expansion
In terms of margin expansion, I think the decrease in cost of sales is doable. It seems like there is some extra fat there that they can trim as they scale. The cost of sales is mainly the tax that Apple and Google charges when users make a purchase through their respective stores, and this is a flat 30%. I doubt they'll get it less than 30% any time soon, but that will probably be through getting their whales to make purchases outside of the Google Play Store or App Store, and using a much cheaper payment processor.
I think a long term goal of 20 - 25% for UA spend is reasonable. I'm OK with these numbers, though they may need to spend more initially to ramp up new games. One of the benefits of their loyalty rewards program is that they can have higher retention, and this might be a way for them to lower their UA spend, since people may be more willing to tell their friends about a free trip or prize they won through a mobile game.
Another reason I'm OK with the UA spend is because it seems like they have a pretty knowledgeable UA team. I have access to App Annie, a data analytics company that tracks mobile apps, and I checked out the download history for POP! Slots, one of Playstudio's mobile games.
You'll notice that US downloads spiked quite a bit in March. This is right when COVID-19 was beginning to spike in the US, and people began working from home. In the mobile app world, many apps had spikes in downloads in March and April 2020 because there was a much larger pool of users looking to download apps. CPAs came down, and companies that had strong UA teams were able to capture a lot of these new users. Thus, this tells me that Playstudios UA team was at least aware of ongoing trends in the mobile app space, and they were able to capitalize by gaining more users during that period of time.
The biggest issue I have is with the "All Other Expenses." I don't know why it's this high (R&D and G&A shouldn't be that high), and Playstudios definitely needs to do some expense cutting here. While this has the most room to cut, it may be the hardest since I'm guessing a lot of that cost is from legacy employees. But if they can get this to around 30% by 2022, I'll be happy.
Playstudios Has No Daily Active Users (DAU) Growth
This is a common issue I see raised on Reddit and I want to address it here. Below is another chart from App Annie, which has DAU estimates.
As you can see, DAU has remained pretty flat for the past 2 years, roughly between 150K and 200K users.
But have you considered that revenues were actually increasing during this time? This means that Playstudios is becoming more efficient at monetizing their current users (getting more money out of older players), or their user acquisition team is targeting more profitable users.
And this is just how the game is played in the mobile apps world.
Users will eventually get sick of a game and stop playing. Not many games can count on users organically finding their game, and continuing to play indefinitely. To maintain a certain DAU, companies generally have to spend money on UA to maintain that user base. It becomes a business where you are calculating how much you are spending on UA, and whether the LTV and retention are good enough that you can make money in the long run from those users. You can think of it as an ROI on your marketing spend.
And this is especially true for mobile game apps. If it were a social app, then yes, something like the network effect can come into play, and UA spend would be much lower. But for Playstudios, maintaining a steady DAU is actually a sign that their UA team knows what they're doing, and they're able to maintain a profitable and highly efficient business. It's actually a positive that they can maintain their DAU, and even INCREASE their revenues during that period.
End Game?
I don't actually know how this will end up. I don't give price targets cause I have no idea how the markets will value this company. But I can provide a few data points so that you can make your own decisions.
From a multiples standpoint, Playstudios is cheap on a revenue multiple basis compared to Playtika, and is about the same from an EBITDA multiple basis.
I personally don't think that Playstudios is a play that's going to 5X. Hell, even 3X I think will be a stretch. But, they do have a loyalty program that will help lower their UA costs, and extend the lifespan of their users. And they are moving into more types of games to diversify their revenue source.
The reason I like this play is because I think the downside is heavily limited. The lifespan of casino slots players are so long, and the revenues are pretty stable (even growing), that there isn't an immediate risk that revenues will all of a sudden drop 30%, as is the case with lots of other mobile game companies. Add on top of this the potential for new revenue growth drivers from Bingo and RPG games, and the potential for margin expansion, that this is an easy 30-50% upside from current prices with almost minimal downside.
One last minor bit, is that I'm sure lots of people missed out on the hype surrounding Draftkings and Skillz, and I'm sure there are some retail investors that will look for any type of casino / mobile gaming / gambling deals, and may jump on this as well. My feeling is that there is also a potential upside from the hype or FOMO factor.
Anyway, this is my analysis on Playstudios / ACAC, hope you guys enjoy.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. These are my personal views and analysis on Playstudios. Please do your own due diligence.
Disclosure: I own 400 shares of ACAC.
submitted by bananainbeijing to SPACs [link] [comments]

My dear entitled auntie ruins my graduation and nearly destroys my relationship with my parents (stupid long)

Grammar, spelling, formatting, on mobile, forgiveness, I’m human, this all happened several years ago, blah blah blah. Seriously, y’all are on Reddit so you know the drill. While this post could probably be broken up into multiple parts, I’m only using it as a bit of therapy so you get the whole proverbial cake all at once rather than going at it piece by piece. Once it’s written out I’m hoping that I won’t have to think about the specifics for a very long while. Plus I’m a little shy about sharing so that’s another reason why this has to be all in one go or not at all. I hope this is the correct place to post this story, if not your advice is more than welcome.
Warning... This turned out a LOT longer then I originally intended. The details run long but for me it’s necessary. I’m also a wordy writer... Oh, there is not too much dialogue either besides what I distinctly remember. I don’t see the point in embellishing an already crazy story. I probably won’t remember to put a TL:DR at the end either so just refer to the title lol. Sorry about that. Grab a beverage and a snack and strap in for the roller coaster ride.
Flashback to the year 200X. June. A beautiful day. Sunny. Slightly below average temperature for that time of year. A nice breeze that kept us all cool while we were all crammed together on the school’s football field. Perfect conditions for my high schools’ commencement exercises (aka graduation). The family members were seated. The music started. We high school seniors began the march to our seats. We sat. Speeches. Applause. Corny dad-jokes from our principal. Then the important part - the diplomas. We were called up one by one in alphabetical order. My maiden name began with a B so my turn to walk the stage and receive my diploma came relatively quickly. Applause (Most likely only from my parents and aunt and maybe a few claps from the families of my few friends. My family had moved so I had actually transferred into this school nearly in the middle of my senior year and didn’t have much of an established presence.). I returned to my seat and happily watched my friends and classmates have their own moments.
Some time later the final students name was called. We turned our tassels. Another speech from the principal admonishing us to remember that we were now adults and needed to act responsibly. Wished us the best of luck in our futures. I’m assuming that was the gist of his final speech. Totally didn’t pay attention (typical teenage attitude) Yada yada yada. FINALLY we were officially dismissed for the last time. We all cheered. Caps were tossed. It was an amazing moment. Totally like what you see on young adult television shows and tween movies. After getting quick hugs and congratulations from my best friends parents I excused myself and went to go look for my parents and aunt. I looked all over the field, in the parking lot, and everywhere in between. No beaming mother. No proud father. No aunt to smile and be happy for me. They were gone.
Overly long backstory
My aunt was (and still is unfortunately) totally entitled and oblivious of how the world really works to boot. Growing up I remember hearing bits and pieces of her “interesting” life. She had been married and subsequently divorced several times by this point. She had no concept of personal discipline or financial prudence so she had several creditors after her. She always had something wrong with her or her life. No one understood what she was going through. She needed help. The world hated her and people were out to get her. Nothing was ever her fault. It was always someone or something else. She has two children with two different men and thinks that they can do no wrong, despite them both eventually serving multiple stints in jail and drug rehab programs. To make a stupidly long story just a tiny bit shorter, she was an entitled dingbat. I love her because she is family but I can’t stand her now. Seriously if she was on fire I probably wouldn’t waste my spit on her.
About six months prior to my graduation and nearly as soon as we had unpacked from our move, she ended up moving into our house. It was just her, as her kids were both with their fathers at this point, and literally the only thing my parents asked as compensation was that she take care of some basic house chores (dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, etc...). Honestly I don’t remember why she had to move in with us but it was probably a financial issue of some sort as she never did have two pennies to rub together and probably got evicted (she was currently between husbands at this time btw). I could be wrong and she might have had a more legitimate reason but I was only 17 (18 by graduation) so more or less oblivious to everything. The first couple of weeks were really fun! We would stay up on the weekends together and watch old Alfred Hitchcock and The Twilight Zone shows and movies. She even taught me how to make homemade flour tortillas and real guacamole. In the beginning she was like a big kid. Almost like a sister (as an only child this was a new concept to me).
Then it all began to fall apart. One day she didn’t feel well. Her back hurt. Her hands hurt. A million ailments. It was always something and she obviously enjoyed the limelight. She couldn’t vacuum because her back hurt too badly. She couldn’t wash the dinner dishes because she was sure she had arthritis in her hands. She had looked up her symptoms online so she KNEW what was wrong with herself. Seriously guys, we need to petition the World’s governments to pass a law that people like my aunt can NOT visit medical diagnosis websites. Anyway, It wasn’t that she didn’t WANT to help out around the house (which was my parents ONLY stipulation for her staying with us rent free) it was just that she “was sick” or her “arthritis was acting up” and COULDN’T. Right... So all the chores my folks asked her to take care of (in lieu of rent...) became my job. Vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, dishes, laundry, cooking dinner, etc.... EVERY day. On top of school and homework (Maybe that’s why those six months were cloudy and fuzzy - lack of sleep!).
Over the weeks and months she had more and more doctor appointments and apparently she found one willing to indulge her fantasy of ill health in order to get a bigger paycheck for himself. She had more and more restrictions as to what she could or couldn’t do (in regards to how much time standing or a maximum weight she could lift). Her doctor began prescribing her crazy amounts of pills to take “for the pain,” her “anxiety,” and god only knows what else. Now on top of her issues she began calling herself disabled and began demanding that we three (mom, dad, and me) do things for her that she was perfectly capable of doing a just couple of days or weeks before. She needed help making her bed, making her breakfast, etc... She had no job. She would sleep until a crazy late hour in the afternoon, come downstairs to the main family television, demand that she watch her shows, do practically nothing the rest of the day besides watch tv and eat (she never seemed to have trouble waddling, without struggle or pain I might add, between the fridge in the kitchen and the living room couch balancing snacks and sodas...), then be back in bed by 9pm or so. Of course demanding silence as she needed to rest to feel better. She had no hobbies. No friends. No household contributions. No discipline. No motivation.
My home life was now playing out exactly like my own ridiculously tacky soap-opera starring Cinderella or something because there was always some kind of drama - my aunt having XYZ problems, my parents exasperated but never standing up for themselves in their own home, and me playing the role of some kind of servant and “whipping boy (girl).” My folks began catering to aunties every demand in order to, in their own minds, keep the peace. All of my aunt’s chores fell to me to complete on top of school and homework. If I ever spoke up about it all I was told to quit being a selfish brat. I needed to be grow up, recognize that auntie was sick, life’s not fair, and I need to pitch in and be a contributing member of the family, blah, blah,blah. I had zero free time between school, catching up on graduation requirements, household chores, cooking dinner, and taking care of/ waiting on my aunt. Even weekends were spent with chores and homework.
Eventually my “dear” auntie’s corrupt doctor prescribed a wheelchair for her day to day activities. Apparently he thought that her back issues had developed into a serious problem and her doctor thought it was in her best interest to not have her walking around much. By this point I knew her doctor was a quack and shady as heck but I figured he was still a doctor and an adult. so no need to press for a second opinion. Being young I naively believed that surely he knew what he was doing (yeah he did, he wanted a paycheck...). Yay... So yeah, a wheelchair. It was a ridiculous and clunky thing. She could barely navigate it around the main floor of our house (though never had an issue climbing the stairs to her bedroom). She insisted on taking it wherever we went and she also coerced my parents into trading in one of their cars for an SUV in order to fit the four of us and her chair. Most embarrassing was when my mom, auntie, and I would go to the grocery store. In leu of her own wheelchair she would always grab one of the stores electric ones. She would often forget her “disability” in order to walk quickly and grab something she forgot and I can’t even begin to count the dirty looks we got. It was obvious that she had no physical issues and all she did was take a chair from someone who might have truly needed it.
Aunt and I didn’t spend much time together anymore by this point because 1. I had my end of year finals and other schoolwork prior to my graduation, 2. I literally had no free time due to all the extra chores, and 3. I just couldn’t stand being around her anymore. This woman was... well I can’t think of a categorization for her as it would be an insult to the fellow people/items/things classified as such. Even to call her a “Karen” would be an insult to other “Karen’s.” Seriously, NOTHING was wrong with her physically. I had spied her at several businesses when she was out on her own and such walking around (even carrying the store’s hand baskets with the things needed. Walking fine. No wheelchair in sight. She might have mental issues (looking back I have strong theories...) but there was definitely nothing wrong in regards to her body or bodily functions. Her back and legs might hurt but if she would get some exercise and lose a few pounds she’d most likely be relieved of those pains. If she would get off the copious number of bogus prescriptions she would not feel tired, weak, or fuzzy all the time. And Redbull and other caffeinated or alcoholic beverages are no good for anyone yet she seemed to be going through several of each daily based on the number of empty cans and bottles I found in her room later. She just used her (shady) doctor to continue her “poor me” persona. She liked the attention.
So yeah, the weeks pass and now my high school graduation was looming. My parents were (at that point) over the moon at my coming commencement exercises and advancement into the grownup world. They were so proud because I worked my butt off to keep my grades high and also fulfill the graduation requirements of my new school (This state had a specific requirement that high school seniors completed and received a passing grade on a portfolio of a number of written pieces. This portfolio is normally worked on over all four years of high school. So yeah, as I had transferred in halfway through the school year I had something like six-ish months to finish and pass what my peers had close to four years to complete.) All was generally good in my world outside of the house. Inside the house was different as there was a lot of tension building. My aunt was pretty quiet in the week or so before the ceremony. She went around with a rather sour expression on her face that only got worse when a package from my grandparents (her and my moms parents) arrived. They had sent me a very nice check, a beautifully monogrammed bible, and a 24 karat gold necklace with a diamond solitaire pendant as a graduation gift (all the graduating grandkids in our family received something similar from them, though the boys in the family received a gold watch rather than a necklace). Other cards, gifts, notes, and letters came from other family members and close family friends and it was all displayed in the living room on a console table by the stairs.
The day comes. Yay graduation! It was such a happy day! My mom did my hair in a beautiful braid and I had a new dress and shoes that I bought and paid for myself. As a finishing touch I accessorized with my beautiful new necklace from my grandparents. When I come downstairs my dad seemed choked up and gave me a big hug, calling me a beautiful young woman. My aunt didn’t say a word and only glared at my neck as she sat impatiently in her wheelchair. When she wheeled herself around to head to the SUV in the garage she “accidentally” rammed into the side table where my graduation cards were placed, knocking almost everything onto the floor. She made some sort of a halfhearted apology and commented about how our house was so small. I was determined that she wouldn’t bring my day down so I tried to ignore her mood as best I could. I simply picked everything back up and arranged everything neatly back on the table.
I rode to the school with my parents and aunt (with her wheelchair of course). They dropped me off at the front entrance because I had to be there early for preparations and such and the three of them decided to run to a nearby store for a few drinks and to kill a bit of time before the ceremony started (I had to be there two hours early). My aunt was still in a sour mood and complained that she was hot (note the beautiful weather conditions of the day above) and thirsty. Her back was hurting already. She needed to take her pills, NOW. My dad sighed and told me that he promised they would get back quickly, saying they’d return long before the scheduled start time and they’d find me and let me know when they get back. I waved them off and I headed inside my school to take care of graduation stuff.
Fast forward about two hours. We students were gowned up and sported the typical half cardboard half ribbon and glue caps on our heads. It was time for everything to start but I hadn’t seen my folks arrive back yet. I figured it was no big deal. The place was pretty packed (it was the early 2000’s so no plague doctors or social distancing that we endure today lol) and they probably couldn’t get through to let me know they were there. We lined up and the ceremony started. Music. Marching. Speeches. Blah, blah, blah. My name was called. I heard cheering and looked into the crowd to see that my family was indeed there as they promised. I flashed the obligatory smiles for the schools pictures and then walked off the stage and filed back to my seat. I spent the rest of the ceremony happily cheering for my friends and simply basked in the sunshine and happiness of the day.
After we turned our tassels, were dismissed, and finally released to go to meet our loved ones, I was accosted by my friends and their families. My best friends family hugged me and we all congratulate each other. Excusing myself, I began to look around for my own family. They’re nowhere to be seen. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find any of them. My happy little bubble burst. The happy day suddenly disappeared and I was left with a sick feeling in my chest. Not only were my parents and aunt not there, but I had no way to get home. There was no way I could have walked home as we lived miles away in suburbia. Plus heels (girls I know y’all understand). All I could do was just stand there in the rapidly emptying parking lot, alone and crying, wearing my graduation gown with my diploma and cap in my hand.
Now that you’ve gotten the novel length backstory let’s return to the event at hand
After the ceremony my best friends mom saw me standing by myself as they were all walking to the parking lot to go home. She walked over to me asking if everything was ok and where my parents were. She said she wanted to meet my parents so they could all congratulate themselves on raising two more amazing young women for society. Typical happy parent feelings I guess. That’s when I finally looked up at her and she saw my tears. After some mumbled conversation between us (can’t remember what I said exactly but more or less that I was stranded) she frowned and said that they would take me home. All this happened before cell phones were a common thing so there was no way to easily contact anyone else and this was my best (and only, if we are being honest) option.
I got in their van and my best friend saw my face. She had been witness to a lot of stuff in regards to my parents and entitled aunt over the past months and all she could do was squeeze my hand in sympathy. She was holding a beautiful bouquet of roses and baby’s breath that she had received from her parents and seemed slightly embarrassed that my parents hadn’t done the same. I only smiled and said that they were gorgeous and I was happy for her. The ride to my house was pretty quiet with only a little tense conversation. My best friends dad was very quiet and drove with a grim expression on his face. I remember seeing him look in the rearview mirror at me once, and he just seemed concerned for me and a little confused about the behavior of my family.
We finally arrived at my home and sure enough my parents SUV was indeed there in the driveway. Best friends mom turned around in her seat and said that she wanted to walk me to the door and make sure all was alright with my folks and aunt (Aka - probably confront them and chew them out for stranding me like that on my graduation day. They’re all Hispanic and have absolutely zero mouth filters. I love them to death!). I said no and that I would be ok. She squeezed my hand and after thanking them for the ride home I stepped out of their van. My best friend leaned out of the van door before I was able to slide it closed and handed me a rose from her own bouquet. She made me promise to call her if I needed her. This girl was and still is the best and dearest friend I have ever had and I love her like a sister. (Bestie, if you ever see this, thanks a bunch for everything. Love ya!)
As soon as I stepped into the house I could feel that the tension in the air was thicker than a London fog. My aunt was lying on the couch in the living room (presumidly to rest her “aching” back), watching tv with a large fast food bag and empty wrappers and plates scattered around on the coffee table nearby, mom was in the kitchen, and dad was probably upstairs in his office. Aunt looked up and coldly demanded to know where I had been. Smirking she says that HER kids would never do something so inconsiderate. My parents were worried. They all thought I would have been home long ago. She said I was so rude and inconsiderate and said that I thought that I was above everyone else in the world because I had received “a little piece of paper.” Dad heard me come in and came downstairs slurping on a fast food drink. He irritably asked where I had been? What was I doing all this time? Why I took so long to get home? Mom came in as well from the kitchen and wanted to know where I was and yelled at me that they were worried. Apparently it was my fault for not knowing they had to leave and my fault I didn’t arrange a ride home. It was my fault that I expected them to stay, etc etc etc. Their language was much more colorful then what I wrote above but I prefer to keep things relatively clean.
All I could do was stand there in the living room, totally dumbfounded. At this point it was a little over three hours since the ceremony began. Almost two hours since my name was called and about forty minutes since the ceremony ended. I asked how they managed to get (and eat apparently) fast food in just the few minutes since the ceremony ended. My dad suddenly looked sheepish and said they had left right after my name was called. Aunt smirked and said “That’s right, I was hot and my back hurt. You know I have to take my pain pills. Plus we were hungry and wanted to get dinner. We even got your favorite! Yours is in the kitchen.” I stared at her blankly for several seconds before my mom told me to wipe the attitude off my face and go eat. Following me into the kitchen she started talking about how they knew I’d get a ride home from somebody. I’d be ok. They weren’t really worried, but I should have come home sooner and not stayed to “play around” after the ceremony.
I spotted a fast food bag on the counter and when I opened it I saw my burger and (already picked at) fries. I hate junk food like that. Certainly not “my favorite.” They normally would have remembered. Regardless, everything was ice cold and unappetizing. They had obviously been home for quite a while. I looked over towards the kitchen table I was surprised to see a large sheet cake. Beautifully decorated with roses, other decorative icing things, and the words:
Cousin’s name (In big letters)
My name (It was beneath my cousins name in a smaller font and it looked to be an afterthought and squished in to fit. Even the color of the icing used to write my name was different.).
Big pieces of the cake had already been cut out of it.
I couldn’t understand why a cake for MY graduation day had cousin’s name on it as well. She didn’t attend my school and wasn’t even anywhere nearby as she was living with her dad several states away. Not to mention that she hadn’t even graduated yet! (Side note, my aunts daughter is the same age as I am and was supposed to have the same graduation year, but she was unable to graduate on time due to poor grades and behavioral problems. She had to take make-up evening classes that coming summer and fall and her diploma would eventually reflect the NEXT graduation year. My relationship with her is a whole other can of worms... I have a senior prom story involving her that y’all might enjoy.) While I stared at the cake my mom quickly said that my auntie had ordered it and it was a surprise! Wasn’t that nice of her? If I had been home earlier I could have cut it myself but they all wanted dessert after their burgers so my Aunt did the honors for me.
Something in me finally snapped and I was done.
I turned around and asked my mom point blank why did they leave so early? Why couldn’t they stay for the whole ceremony? Why had they stranded me there without warning? Why they didn’t find some way to get word to me that they needed to leave early? And (admittedly petty) why couldn’t I get my own darn cake without having to share it with a person who wasn’t even graduating that year? She began to unleash a laundry list of my faults. She told me that I was just acting superior because I graduated. I needed to check my attitude. I was rude. I was ungrateful. I was acting like I was better than everyone else. She then said I was rubbing it into my aunts face that I graduated on time and my cousin did not. I needed to consider the struggles, health, and physical limitations of others. Also, I would never amount to anything as I was too dumb to go to collage so I should get used to serving others better than myself. (About the college thing - that’s another story I can share if asked...) On and on.
I was stunned! I had no idea what the heck changed between that morning and now! To this day the only reason I can think of for all of this was that my aunt didn’t like the attention I was getting from my parents and the rest of our family. She probably felt slighted because her daughter hadn’t gotten a check, necklace, or bible from our grandparents yet (Duh, when she called them to whine, my no-nonsense grandma straight up told her “no diploma no graduation gifts” and said that my cousin would get her gift next year if she was able to pass.). She was offended that so much attention had been lavished on me and my accomplishments (graduating with honors despite transferring mid-year) rather than her own daughter or her own “life changing health issues.” She didn’t like the fact that I was in the limelight and not herself. Most likely she started whining and complaining to my parents about my so-called superior and stuck up attitude as soon as they dropped me off before the ceremony. Then whined and complained that she was in pain and needed to go home as soon as possible to take her dang pills and rest. Eventually she filled their ears with enough poison so they left.
So that morning apparently everything was fine but now it wasn’t? Twenty-four hours before I was behaving normally but now I had apparently been acting stuck up? Regardless of all that crap, how was it ok that they left their teenage daughter stranded without knowing how she would be getting home? How could they leave me on such an important and happy day? How could they not even tell me? How could they allow my aunt to whine and complain and then just go along with what she wanted instead of considering my feelings? Did they just not see how badly their actions that day hurt me? How could a parent-child relationship be ruined in the space of a single afternoon?
Suddenly I realized that this hadn’t happened only in a few hours or even a few days. Our relationship had been deteriorating for months. I found out years later that ever since my aunt had come to live with us she had been talking to my parents about imagined insults to her, my perceived superiority, my rudeness, my unwillingness to help out, and my all around bad attitude. She accused me of sneaking boys to my room when my parents weren’t there. She told them that I had confided to her that I hated my parents and their overly strict ways. She said that she saw me smoking cigarettes at my bus stop before school (as she is so “disabled” I have no idea how she managed to walk or roll so far to spy on me). For the record, her accusations were all completely false. My parents were strict yes but usually fair(ish) and I had assumed loving and supportive of me. I also can’t stand cigarette smoke and at this point I was “as pure and physically intact as the day I was born...”. blush Anyway, between her own entitlement and jealousy she realized that I was “doing better” then her own kids and herself and she decided to make my life miserable. At this point I wasn’t even angry. I was just really, really sad. I left the cold food in the bag on the kitchen counter and “my” cake on the table and went upstairs to my bedroom with my diploma and rose.
When I got there I shut the door. When I turned around I saw a devastating sight. My monogrammed bible, on the floor on top of a baking sheet, half the pages torn out, and the remaining pages and cover burned black. The uncashed check from my grandparents torn into tiny pieces and scattered like confetti on top of the ruined gift. My graduation cards and notes torn into what seemed like thousands of pieces and scattered all over my room. I remember falling to my knees, completely numb. I couldn’t even cry. I just held onto my rose and tried to breathe. (It’s doubly sad to remember this now as my grandmother recently passed away and I would have loved to have had that bible.) I knew immediately who had done this - my aunt. She was such an entitled parent that no one can have any type of spotlight unless it was her own kids or herself. If her daughter couldn’t celebrate a graduation then neither could I. If her daughter didn’t get a check then I couldn’t have mine. I was glad I had decided to wear my grandparents necklace because who knows what she would have done with it. All this destruction and my parents were either oblivious or they just didn’t care. This was more or less the beginning of the end for our parent-daughter relationship. I was 18. A legal adult and able to make my own decisions about my own life. With how things were now, I knew my parents couldn’t be a part of it if they were determined to listen to the vitriol that spewed from my aunts mouth.
Within two hours I was over at my best friends house to spend the next few weeks. Within a couple of months I had gotten a job and moved into my own place. I never looked back. After several years I was (And still am!) married to an amazing guy (Only one marriage for me thank-you-very-much, unlike you auntie!). He encouraged me to enroll in college and work towards my bachelors degree and then earn my masters degree. That led to my current amazing career, with some of the best coworkers imaginable, in my chosen field with a more than acceptable salary. Over time I slowly, very slowly, began to grow a little bit closer to my parents. It’s not your typical parent-child relationship anymore, that ended forever when I was eighteen, but cordial.
In the beginning, after I moved out, they tried to do little things for me (and later my new husband as well) but their offers were usually declined, preferring to forge our own way without relying on others for help. Eventually I began to relax around them a bit more and to open my heart again. We’ve talked a lot over the years and they actually eventually apologized for what happened. I guess they initially thought that they were keeping the peace and they just went along with whatever my aunt said. They trusted her, as an adult, over me. Eventually they began to agree with her opinions and they never thought to question what she told them about me. At one point my mom even said that she wondered if I was on drugs during this time based on the stories my aunt was telling her. The irony... Now, more than a decade and a half later, my relationship with my mom and dad is pretty great. Less than parent-child but way more than friends.
My aunt ended up moving out of my parents house and into a nearby trashy apartment not long after my graduation, citing an unpleasant atmosphere as her reasoning. (Yeah, I wonder why...) My folks paid her rent, utilities, paid for a car (including gas and insurance) and bought her groceries for a couple of years before my dad finally grew a pair and put his foot down. She started dating a lazy idiot guy who received some kind of government pension and once he moved in with her that’s how they more or less supported themselves. She still occasionally comes crawling to my mom for money for smokes, gas, or whatever. Dad would, at best, give her a hard NO and at worst tell her exactly what he thought about her. So she knows not to go near him asking for anything. Sometimes mom gives her a few dollars but usually not, as even mom has grown tired of my aunts antics, entitlement, and poisonous attitude. So my aunt and her boy toy survive on a cycle of a small monthly government pension, payday loans, and begging the family for money. Of course neither of them have a job due to their “disabilities.
Interesting side note, after my aunt moved into her apartment she no longer needed a wheelchair! It’s a miracle! Or most likely she couldn’t use it because her new place was tiny, on the 2nd floor, and wasn’t an ADA home (bcause she couldn’t qualify for one considering she gasp wasn’t medically considered disabled!). It was just a regular rundown one bedroom one bath apartment and all she (with my parents support at the time) could afford. Oh, and also she had to stop seeing her quack doctor as my parents eventually stopped paying that bill too. I guess it’s a win win for her physical health as she got more exercise, lost some of the weight she had piled on while living with us, and was forced off her prescriptions as she no longer had a willing doctor to prescribe them. I’m sure the withdrawal was hell but I have zero sympathy. She’s still a leech who cannot stand to hear about anyone’s happiness or success (she was placing bets on my wedding day how long my marriage would last) and always manages to work her aches, pains, dire situations and the dubious achievements of her kids (who both have criminal records, stints in drug and alcohol rehab programs, several divorces between them, and children outside of marriage) into any conversation she has with anyone. A leopard cannot change its spots.
So yeah, the best “revenge” I can imagine is my “dear” aunt stewing, every single day across all these years, in the knowledge that I have no criminal record, no drug charges, a happy marriage, no divorces, two degrees, a successful career, money in the bank, and a very good relationship with my parents. She has to endure my folks bragging to the whole family about my (and my husband’s) successful life and accomplishments in my job. All without any assistance from anyone. Typical parent behavior as my other cousins parents all (justifiably) do the same for their kids. All my aunt can contribute is that cousin 1 managed to be paroled and now she has a steady minimum wage job (don’t hear much of anything about cousin 2 as he’s literally a deadbeat.). I guess in a way she pushed me to work towards the best life I could possibly have. So... thanks auntie?
Preemptive answers to questions I might be asked:
1) Yes I totally realize that some people have a string of rotten luck which forces their hand to reach out for help. If you are able you should definitely feel comfortable enough to reach out a hand to family for assistance. I call bs on my aunts story of hardship only because she never showed any gratitude to my folks and to this day I hear that she still insists that I was the troublemaker she said I was. She never tried to look for employment, never did anything to get back on her feet, and spent all day every day on her rear end.
2) I don’t care if people have kids outside a traditional family environment. In many cases one or both partners don’t find the need for it and still manage to have a wonderful family. What I object to is a bum, alcoholic, or drug addict bringing children into this world without having a stable home life and the necessary resources to raise them properly (you know, with morals and manners and such). I know tons of single moms and dads who are superstar parents with great kids. Big shout out to all the awesome single parents. Y’all are an inspiration!
3) Yeah this might seem like either a dumb story or completely fake to some folks. But I assure you, it happened. Some parts might be boring but, as I said in the beginning, I don’t see the point in adding embellishments to make anything more interesting. It was a crappy situation but I guess it’s important to remember that the truth can be stranger than fiction.
If you actually got this far, you are a seriously awesome trooper and deserve a gold star! Thanks for reading. I hope you had a blessed Christmas and here’s hoping we all have a happy and safe New Year! ❤️
I know there are channels on YouTube who read crazy Reddit stories. If there is anyone who is interested and wants to read this for a video, feel free to do so (just send me the link when you do!). It might take an entire video to get through it all though so no worries if you’d rather give this one a pass.
I’ve received a few messages with questions so I’ll post the answers here.
No I have no idea how my aunt played the system. After later talking to my folks I learned that her doctor didn’t practice in a hospital but instead had some sort of private practice in his home. We lived in a rather rural area and going to “a real city hospital” was difficult for some people. I’m definitely no doctor or lawyer so I don’t know the legality of any of it, but I’m pretty sure he fudged some things in order for him to get a paycheck (like not accepting insurance, taking only cash, and being liberal with prescriptions and the like). Small town politics are what kept him in business I guess.
No, my aunt never tried filing for actual disability or anything official through the government. She was crazy enough to get a wheelchair and call herself disabled but thankfully not crazy enough to try to fool Uncle Sam.
After a few weeks my grandparents did actually inquire about why I hadn’t cashed or deposited their check. Still being a bit of a doormat I made up an excuse about the check being damaged and the bank couldn’t accept it. They sent me a new check (to my best friends address where I was staying at the time) which I used to buy my first car. They didn’t question me directly as to why I didn’t want it sent to my parents house but I’m pretty sure they knew that there were some issues.
I never told my grandparents about the Bible. My grandma was very religious and I think the knowledge of one of her daughters actually burning a bible would have hurt her too much.
submitted by Amature_Artist_Jen to entitledparents [link] [comments]

So you're a gamer? Name every game.

!Que Pasa Neng!
!Shin Chan: Flipa en colores!
&: Sora no Mukou de Saki Masuyou ni
'70s Robot Anime: Geppy-X
'89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai
'96 Zenkoku Koukou Soccer Senshuken
'98 Koushien
'99 Koushien
*NSYNC: Get to the Show
.hack//G.U. vol. 1//Rebirth
.hack//G.U. vol. 2//Reminisce
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption
.hack//Infection Part 1
.hack//Mutation Part 2
.hack//Outbreak Part 3
.hack//Quarantine Part 4
.hack//Vol. 1 x Vol. 2
.hack: Sekai no Mukou ni+ Versus - Hybrid Pack
0 Story
0-Kara no Shogi: Shogi Youchien - Ayumi Gumi
0-ji no Kane to Cinderella: Halloween Wedding
007 Legends
007 Racing
007: Agent Under Fire
007: Everything or Nothing
007: NightFire
007: Quantum of Solace
007: Racing / Medal of Honor / 007: Tomorrow Never Dies - Collector's Edition
007: The World Is Not Enough
007: The World is Not Enough
007: Tomorrow Never Dies
1 vs. 100
1, 2, Switch
1-Jikan de Wakaru Kabushiki Toushi
1/2 summer+
10 Minute Solution
10 Pin Bowling
10 Pin: Champions Alley
10,000 Bullets
10-Yard Fight
100 All-Time Favorites
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100% Pascal Sensei: Kanpeki Paint Bombers
1000 Cooking Recipes from Elle a Table
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101-in-1 Explosive Megamix
101-in-1 Party Megamix
101-in-1 Sports Megamix
101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix
10101: "Will" the Starship
1080 Snowboarding
1080: Avalanche
11 Eyes: CrossOver
12-Ji no Kane to Cinderella: Cinderella Series Triple Zenkan Pack
12-Ji no Kane to Cinderella: Halloween Wedding
12-Sai. Honto no Kimochi
12-Sai. Koisuru Diary
12-Sai. Torokeru Puzzle Futari no Harmony
12-Toki no Kane to Cinderella Series Triple Zenkan Pack
120-en no Haru: 120 Yen Stories
12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral
13-Sai no Hello Work DS
1500DS Spirits Vol. 10: Igo
1500DS Spirits Vol. 1: Mahjong
1500DS Spirits Vol. 2: Shogi
1500DS Spirits Vol. 3: Block Kuzushi
1500DS Spirits Vol. 4: Reversi
1500DS Spirits Vol. 5: Hanafuda
1500DS Spirits Vol. 6: Trump
1500DS Spirits Vol. 7: Chess
1500DS Spirits Vol. 8: Darts
1500DS Spirits Vol. 9: Futari-uchi Mahjong
1500DS Spirits: Mahjong V
1500DS Spirits: Shogi V
1552 Tenka Tairan
16 Tales: Vol. 1
16 Tales: Vol. 2
16 Tales: Vol. 3
16 Tales: Vol. 4
18 Card Games
18 Classic Card Games
18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker
187 Ride or Die
1941: Counter Attack
1943 Kai
1943: The Battle of Midway
1945 I&II The Arcade Games
1999 Hore, Mitakotoka! Seikimatsu
19: Neunzehn
19:03 Ueno Hatsu Yakou Ressha
2 Games For 1 Great Price!: Big Beach Sports / Big Beach Sports 2
2 Games In 1 Double Pack - Hot Wheels: World Race / Velocity X
2 Games In 1 Double Pack - SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom / Nicktoons: Freeze Frame Frenzy
2 Games In 1 Double Pack - SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge / Revenge of the Flying Dutchman
2 Games In 1 Double Pack: Finding Nemo / Monsters, Inc.
2 Games In 1 Double Pack: Power Rangers: Time Force / Power Rangers: Ninja Storm
2 Games In 1 Double Value!: Monster Trucks / Quad Desert Fury
2 Games In 1: Disney Princess + Disney's The Lion King
2 Games In 1: Disney's Baren Bruder + Disney's Konig der Lowen
2 Games In 1: Disney's Brother Bear / Disney Princess
2 Games In 1: Finding Nemo / The Incredibles
2 Games In 1: LEGO Knights' Kingdom + LEGO Bionicle
2 Games In 1: Shrek 2 / Shark Tale
2 Games In 1: Sonic Pinball Party + Sonic Battle
2 Games In 1: Sonic Pinball Party / Columns Crown
2 Games In 1: SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge / Rugrats Go Wild
2 Games In 1: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie / SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends in Freeze Frame Frenzy
2 Games for 1 Great Price!: Wheel of Fortune / Jeopardy!
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: Scooby-Doo / Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase / Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom / The Fairly OddParents! Breakin' Da Rules
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: The Incredibles / Finding Nemo: The Continuing Adventures
2 Games in 1! Archer Maclean's Mercury / Mercury Meltdown
2 Games in 1: GT Advance 3: Pro Concept Racing + MotoGP
2 Games in 1: Sonic Advance + Sonic Battle
2 Games in 1: The Incredibles / Finding Nemo
2 Games in 1: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie / Battle for Bikini Bottom
2 Games in 1: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie / Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams
2 Hits Pack: Sonic Forces / Puyo Puyo Tetris - Sega Collection
2 In 1 Game Pack: Shrek 2 / Shark Tale
2 In 1 Game Pack: Spider-Man / Spider-Man 2
2 In 1 Game Pack: Spider-Man Mysterio's Menace / X2 Wolverine's Revenge
2 In 1 Game Pack: Tony Hawk's Underground / Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
2 In 1: Asterix & Obelix Jetzt Geht's Rund! + Asterix & Obelix XXL
2 Jeux En 1: Titeuf: Ze Gag Machine / Titeuf: Mega Compet
2 Pak Special: Dungeon Master / Creature Strike
2 Xtreme
2 for 1 Power Pack: Indianapolis 500 Legends/WWII Aces
2 for 1 Power Pack: Kawasaki Jet Ski/Summer Sports 2
2 for 1 Power Pack: Winter Blast/Summer Sports 2
2 in 1 Combo Pack: Sonic Heroes / Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
2 in 1 Combo Pack: Sonic Mega Collection Plus / Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
2-In-1 Fun Pack: Madagascar: Operation Penguin / Shrek 2
2-in-1 Party Pack: Shrek's Carnival Craze / Madagascar Kartz
200-Mannin no KanKen: Tokoton Kanji Nou
2002 FIFA World Cup
2003-Toshi Kaimaku: Ganbare Kyuukaiou
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
2020 Super Baseball
20th Century Video Almanac
21 Card Games
21 Emon: Mezase! Hotel Ou
21: TwoOne
24-ji no Kane to Cinderella: Halloween Wedding
24: The Game
25 to Life
250 Mannin no Kanken Premium - Zenkyuu Zen-Kanji Kanzen Seiha
250 Mannin no Kanken: Wii de Tokoton Kanji Nou
2999 Game Kids
2K Essentials Collection: Bioshock / Borderlands / XCOM: Enemy Unknown
2K Essentials Collection: Bioshock / Borderlands/ XCOM: Enemy Unknown
2K Power Pack
2Tax Gold
3 Choume no Tama: Tama and Friends - 3 Choume Obake Panic!!
3 Count Bout
3 Games in 1: Tak / SuperSponge / Rugrats: I Gotta Go Party
3 Ninjas Kick Back
3 Ninjas Kick Back / Hook
3 in 1: Solitaire, Mahjong & Tangram
3-D Tetris
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe
3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride
3-D WorldRunner
3-Fun Yosou Umaban Club
3-Nen B-Gumi Kinpachi Sensei: Densetsu no Kyoudan ni Tate!
300: March to Glory
360: Three Sixty
3D Atlas
3D Baseball
3D Crazy Coaster
3D Dot Game Heroes
3D Game Collection: 55-in-1
3D Lemmings
3D MahJongg
3D Mine Storm
3D MiniGolf
3D Narrow Escape
3D Pocket Pool
3D Shooting Tsukuru
3DO Buffet
3LDK: Shiawase ni Narouyo
3X3 Eyes: Kyuusei Koushu S
3on3 Freestyle
3x3 Eyes: Juuma Houkan
3x3 Eyes: Kyuusei Koushu
3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjyo
3x3 Eyes: Seima Kourinden
3x3 Eyes: Tenrinou Genmu
4 Elements
4 Elements II
4 Games on One Game Pak: GT Advance / GT Advance 2 / GT Advance 3 / MotoGP
4 Nin Shogi
4 Nin uchi Mahjong
4 Wheel Thunder
4 in 1 Action Pack
4 in 1 Row
4 in 1 Super CD
4-4-2 Soccer
4-in-1 Fun Pak
4-in-1 Funpak: Volume II
40 Winks
428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de
4X4 EVO 2
4X4 Evolution
4x4 EVO 2
4x4 Evolution
5 In One Fun Pak
5 Star Racing
5-Kyuu kara 1-Kyuu Kanzen Taiou: Saishin Kako Mondai - 2-Ji Shiken Taisaku - Eiken Kanzenban
5-nin no Koi Prince: Himitsu no Keiyaku Kekkon
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
50 Cent: Bulletproof
50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition
50 Classic Games
50 Classic Games 3D
50 More Classic Games
6 Inch My Darling
6 in 1
64 Hanafuda: Tenshi no Yakusoku
64 Oozumou
64 Oozumou 2
64 Trump Collection: Alice no Waku Waku Trump World
64 de Hakken! Tamagotchi Minna de Tamagotchi World
688 Attack Sub
7 Blades
7 Days to Die
7 Sins
7 Wonders II
7 Wonders of the Ancient World
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
700-Banjin no Atama o Yokusuru: Chou Keisan DS - 13000-Mon + Image Keisan
720 Degrees
77: Beyond the Milky Way
7th Dragon
7th Dragon 2020
7th Dragon 2020-II
7th Dragon III Code: VFD
8 Eyes
8-Bit Armies
88 Heroes
88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition
90 Minutes: European Prime Goal
90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football
989 Sports Demo Disc
99 Nendohan: Eitango Center 1500
99 no Namida
A Boy and His Blob
A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
A Bug's Life
A Bug's Life / Tigger's Honey Hunt / Tarzan - Collector's Edition
A Bug's Life Activity Centre
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV
A Labyrinth Game / Supermind
A Mars Moose Adventure - Cosmic Quest 1: City Sights
A Mars Moose Adventure - Cosmic Quest 2: Fairy Tale Island
A Mars Moose Adventure - Cosmic Quest 3: Race Through France
A Mars Moose Adventure - Stay & Play 1: In the Clubhouse
A Mars Moose Adventure - Stay & Play 2: In Mars' Bedroom
A Mars Moose Adventure - Stay & Play 3: In Lonnie's Classroom
A Mars Moose Adventure - Walkabout 1: The Natural History Museum
A Mars Moose Adventure - Walkabout 2: The Shakespeare Festival
A Mars Moose Adventure - Walkabout 3: World Sports Day
A Nanjarin
A Rose in the Twilight
A Witch's Tale
A Year at Pooh Corner
A-Rank Thunder Tanjouhen
A-Ressha de Ikou
A-Ressha de Ikou 2001
A-Ressha de Ikou 2001 Perfect Set
A-Ressha de Ikou 3D NEO
A-Ressha de Ikou DS
A-Ressha de Ikou DS: Navigation Pack
A-Ressha de Ikou MD
A-Ressha de Ikou Z: Mezase! Tairiku Oudan
A-Train 3D: City Simulator
A-Train 6
A-Train HX
A-Train: City Simulator
A-Train: Trains - Power - Money
A. IV Evolution: A-Ressha de Ikou 4
A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode
A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode 2
A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode 3: The Final
A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode R
A.III: A-Ressha de Ikou III
A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol
A.W. Phoenix Festa
A2 Racer II
A2 Racer III: Europa Tour
A5: A-Ressha de Ikou 5
AAAHH!!! Real Monsters
ABBA: You Can Dance
ABC Monday Night Football
ABPA Backgammon
AC/DC LIVE: Rock Band Track Pack
AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack
ACB Total 2010/2011
ACME Animation Factory
ADK Tamashii
AFL 99
AFL Live 2004
AH-3 Thunderstrike
AI Igo
AI Igo 2003
AI Igo: Saturn Version
AI Mahjong
AI Mahjong 2003
AI Mahjong Selection
AI Shogi
AI Shogi 2
AI Shogi 2 Deluxe
AI Shogi 2000
AI Shogi 2003
AI Shogi 3
AI Shogi Selection
AIII S.V.: A-Ressha de Ikou 3 Super Version
AKB1/149: Renai Sousenkyo
AKB1/48: Idol to Guam de Koishitara...
AKB1/48: Idol to Koishitara...
ALC no 10-Punkan Eigo Master: Chuukyuu
ALC no 10-Punkan Eigo Master: Joukyuu
ALC no 10-Punkan Eigo Master: Shokyuu
AMF Bowling 2004
AMF Bowling Pinbusters!
AMF Bowling World Lanes
AMF Xtreme Bowling
AR Games
ARK: Survival Evolved
ASCII Entertainment Demo Disc
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
ATP Tour Championship Tennis
ATV Mania
ATV Offroad Fury
ATV Offroad Fury 2
ATV Offroad Fury 3
ATV Offroad Fury 4
ATV Offroad Fury Pro
ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails
ATV Quad Frenzy
ATV Quad Kings
ATV Quad Power Racing 2
ATV Racers
ATV Racing
ATV Renegades
ATV Thunder Ridge Riders / Monster Trucks Mayhem
ATV Wild Ride
ATV: Quad Power Racing
ATV: Thunder Ridge Riders
AV Poker World Gambler
Aa Harimanada
Aa Megami-sama
Aa Yakyuu Jinsei Icchokusen
Abadox: The Deadly Inner War
Abarenbou Princess
Absolute Supercars
Absolute: Blazing Infinity
Abunai Koi no Sousashitsu: Eternal Happiness
Abunai: Koi no Sousa Shitsu
Academy of Champions: Soccer
Accel World vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight
Accel World: Ginyoku no Kakusei
Accel World: Kasoku no Chouten
Accele Brid
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
Ace Combat 2
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka / Beautiful Katamari Damacy
Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka / Lost Planet: Colonies
Ace Combat Advance
Ace Combat Assault Horizon
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+
Ace Combat: Joint Assault
Ace Lightning
Ace o Nerae!
Ace of Aces
Aces of War
Aces of the Air
Acid Drop
Acrobat Mission
Acrylic Palette: Irodori Cafe - Cheers
ActRaiser 2
Action 52
Action Bass
Action Fighter
Action Girlz Racing
Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens on Machines
Action Man: Destruction X
Action Man: Operation Extreme
Action Man: Robot Atak
Action Man: Search for Base X
Action Pachio
Action Pack: Prince of Persia Revelations, Driver 76, Rainbow Six Vegas
Active Health with Carol Vorderman
Active Life Explorer
Active Life Value Pack
Active Life: Extreme Challenge
Active Life: Magical Carnival
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge
Activision Anthology
Activision Classic Games
Activision Demo Action Pack
Activision Hits Remixed
Actua Golf 3
Actua Ice Hockey
Actua Ice Hockey 2
Actua Pool
Actua Soccer 2
Actua Soccer 3
Actua Soccer: Club Edition
Actua Tennis
Ad Lib Ouji ...to Fuyukai na Nakama-tachi!?
Adam & Eve
Adam's Venture Chronicles
Adam's Venture: Origins
Addams Family Values
Addie no Okurimono: To Moze from Addie
Adian no Tsue
Adiboo & Paziral's Secret
Adiboo and the Energy Thieves
Adibou Et L'Ombre Verte
Adidas Power Soccer
Adidas Power Soccer 2
Adidas Power Soccer 98
Adidas Power Soccer International '97
Adidas miCoach
Adrenalin Misfits
Adult Swim Collection
Advan Racing
Advance Guardian Heroes
Advance Wars
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Advanced Daisenryaku 2001
Advanced Daisenryaku: Deutsch Dengeki Sakusen
Advanced Daisenryaku: Europe no Arashi - Doitsu Dengeki Sakusen
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: DragonStrike
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragons of Flame
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Hillsfar
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin
Advanced V.G.
Advanced V.G. 2
Advanced World War: Sennen Teikoku no Koubou
Advent Rising
Adventure II
Adventure Island
Adventure Island 3
Adventure Island II
Adventure Island II: Aliens in Paradise
Adventure Mega Pack
Adventure Player
Adventure Quiz Capcom World: Hatena no Daibouken
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW!
Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!
Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
Adventure of Little Ralph
Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea
Adventures in Letterland With Jack and Jill
Adventures of Dino Riki
Adventures of Lolo
Adventures of Lolo 2
Adventures of Lolo 3
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Adventures of Tron
Adventures of Yogi Bear
Adventures to Go!
Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Aeon Flux
Aerial Assault
Aero Blasters
Aero Dancing F: Todoroki Tsubasa no Hatsu Hikou
Aero Dancing i
Aero Dancing i: Jikai Sakuma de Machite Masen
Aero Dancing: Torodoki Taichou no Himitsu Disc
Aero Elite: Combat Academy
Aero Fighters
Aero Fighters 2
Aero Fighters 3
Aero Fighters Assault
Aero The Acro-Bat
Aero the Acro-Bat
Aero the Acro-Bat 2
Aero the Acro-bat
AeroWings 2: Air Strike
Aerobics Revolution
Aerobiz Supersonic
Afraid Gear
Afraid Gear Another
Afro Inu: The Puzzle
Afro Samurai
After Armageddon Gaiden: Majuu Toushouden Eclipse
After Burner
After Burner II
After Burner III
After Burner: Black Falcon
After Burst
After Hours Athletes
After... Wasureenu Kizuna
Again: Interactive Crime Novel
Agarest Senki Mariage
Agassi Tennis Generation
Agatha Christie's The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None
Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Age of Empires: Mythologies
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
Agent Armstrong: Himitsu Shirei Daisakusen
Agent Collection
Agent Hugo
Agent Hugo: Hula Holiday
Agent Hugo: Lemoon Twist
Agent Hugo: Roborumble
Agents of Mayhem
Aggressive Inline
Aggressors of Dark Kombat
Agile Warrior F-111X
Ai Cho Aniki
Ai Sensei no Oshiete: Watashi no Hoshi
Ai Senshi Nicol
Ai Yori Aoshi
Aibou DS
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage
Aigiina no Yogen: Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori
Aigina no Yogen: Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori
Aikatsu Stars! My Special Appeal
Aikatsu! 2-nin no My Princess
Aikatsu! 365-Hi no Idol Days
Aikatsu! Cinderella Lesson
Aikatsu! My No.1 Stage!
Ailu de Puzzle
Air Battle!
Air Buster
Air Cavalry
Air Combat
Air Conflicts Double Pack
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II
Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - Ultimate Edition
Air Conflicts: Vietnam
Air Conflicts: Vietnam Ultimate Edition
Air Diver
Air Fortress
Air Hockey
Air Management '96
Air Race Championship
Air Raid
Air Raid 3
Air Raiders
Air Ranger 2 Plus: Rescue Helicopter
Air Ranger 2: Rescue Helicopter
Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter
Air Rescue
Air Strike
Air Traffic Chaos
Air Zonk
Air-Sea Battle
AirBoarder 64
AirForce Delta
AirForce Delta Storm
AirForce Delta Strike
Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day
Airs Adventure
Airship Q
Airwolf (Japan)
Aishiau Kotoshika Dekinai
Aisle Lord
Aitakute...Your Smiles in My Heart
Aiyoku no Eustia: Angel's Blessing
Aka-Chan Doubutsu Sono
Akagawa Jirou Mystery: Tsuki no Hikari
Akagawa Jirou Mystery: Yasoukyoku - Hon ni Manekareta Satsujin
Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha
Akagawa Jirou: Majotachi no Nemuri: Fukkatsusai
Akagawa Jirou: Yasoukyoku
Akagawa Jirou: Yasoukyoku 2
Akagi: Touhaiden
Akagi: Yami ni Furitatta Tensai
Akai Ito
Akai Ito DS
Akai Ito Destiny DS
Akai Katana
Akai Suna Ochiru Tsuki
Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka Portable
Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka: Parallel
Akatsuki no Amaneka to Aoi Kyojin
Akatsuki no Goei Trinity
Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino
Akazu no Ma
Akazukin ChaCha
Akiba's Beat
Akiba's Trip
Akiba's Trip 2+A
Akiba's Trip Plus
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed
Akihabara Dennou Kumi Peta Pies!
Akira Psycho Ball
Akiyama Jin No Suugaku Mystery
Akko de Pon! Ikasama Hourouki
Akko ni Omakase! Brain Shock
Akogare Girls Collection: Lovely Youchien
Akogare Girls Collection: Mister Donut DS
Akogare Girls Collection: Ohanaya-San Monogatari
Akogare Girls Collection: Pika Pika Nurse Monogatari
Akogare Girls Collection: Suteki ni Nurse Days
Akudaikan 2: Mousouden
Akudaikan 3
Akudaikan Manyuuki
Akudaikan Manyuuki: Seigi no Yaiba
Akuji the Heartless
Akuma Zensho Dainishuu
Akuma-kun: Makai no Wana
Akumajou Dracula
Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku
Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kun
Akuu Senki Raijin
Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top
Al Unser Jr.'s Turbo Racing
Alabama Meets Will Vi
Aladdin Magic Racer
Alan Hansen's Sports Challenge
Alan Wake
Alarm for Cobra 11: Crash Time
Alarm fuer Cobra 11 Vol II
Albert Odyssey
Albert Odyssey 2: Jashin no Taidou
Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
Album Club: Mune Kyun * Saint Poria Jogakuin
Aleck Bordon Adventure: Tower & Shaft Advance
Alekhine's Gun
Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001
Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alex Kidd: High-Tech World
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Alex Rider: Stormbreaker
Alexandra Ledermann: Summer Camp Adventures
Alexi Lalas International Soccer
Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano
Alfred Chicken
Alfred's Adventure
Alia's Carnival! Sacrament
Alice in Cyberland
Alice in Wonderland
Alice no Paint Adventure
Alice on Borderlines
Alice's Mom's Rescue
Alice: Madness Returns
Alien 3
Alien Breed Trilogy
Alien Brigade
Alien Chaos 3D
Alien Crush
Alien Front Online
Alien Hominid
Alien Invaders Plus!
Alien Monster Bowling League
Alien Olympics
Alien Raiders
Alien Resurrection
Alien Soldier
Alien Storm
Alien Syndrome
Alien Trilogy
Alien vs. Predator
Alien vs. Predator: The Last of His Clan
Alien: Isolation
Alienators: Evolution Continues
Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction
Aliens in the Attic
Aliens vs. Predator
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Aliens: Infestation
Aliens: Thanatos Encounter
Alisia Dragoon
All 1
All Grown Up! Express Yourself
All Japan Pro Wrestling Featuring Virtua
All Japan Woman Pro Wrestling
All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation
All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2
All Kamen Rider: Rider Revolution
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.
All Round Hunter
All Star 5-A-Side Football
All Star Action
All Star Cheer Squad
All Star Cheer Squad 2
All Star Karate
All Star Pro-Wrestling
All Star Racing
All Star Racing 2
All Star Soccer
All Star Tennis '99
All Star Tennis 2000
All Star Tennis 99
All Star Watersports
All-Pro Basketball
All-Pro Football 2K8
All-Star 1997 Featuring Frank Thomas
All-Star Baseball
All-Star Baseball 2000
All-Star Baseball 2001
All-Star Baseball 2002
All-Star Baseball 2003
All-Star Baseball 2004
All-Star Baseball 2005
All-Star Baseball 99
All-Star Fighters
All-Star Mahjong: Kareinaru Shoubushi Kara no Chousen
All-Star Major League Baseball
All-Star Professional Wrestling II
All-Star Professional Wrestling III
All-Star Slammin' D-Ball
All-Star Tennis 2
Allied Ace Pilots
Allied General
Alnam no Kiba: Juuzoku Juuni Shinto Densetsu
Alnam no Tsubasa: Shoujin no Sora no Kanata e
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark 2
Alone in the Dark: Inferno
Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's Revenge
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Alpha Beam With Ernie
Alpha Mission
Alpha Mission II
Alpha Protocol
Alpha and Omega
Alpine Racer 3
Alpine Ski Racing 2007
Alpine Skiing 2005
Alpine Skiing!
Alter Echo
Altered Beast
Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms
Altered Space: A 3-D Alien Adventure
Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Alzadick: Summer Carnival `92
Amaekata wa Kanojo Nari ni.
Amagi Shien
Amagoushi no Yakata
Amagoushi no Yakata Portable: Ichiyagi Wa, Saisho no Junan
Amatsumi Sora ni! Kumo no Hatate ni
Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Ruins
Amazing Island
Amazing Penguin
Amazing Tater
America Daitouryou Senkyo: United State Presidental Race
America Daitouryou Senkyo: United State Presidential Race
America Oudan Ultra Quiz
America Oudan Ultra Quiz: Shijou Saidai no Tatakai
America Oudan Ultra-Quiz
America Oudan Ultra-Quiz Part 2
America Oudan Ultra-Quiz Part 3
America Oudan Ultra-Quiz Part 4
America's Army: Rise of a Soldier
America's Army: True Soldiers
America's Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy!
America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model (2008)
America's Test Kitchen: Let's Get Cooking
American Bass Challenge
American Battle Dome
American Chopper
American Chopper 2: Full Throttle
American Dream
American Girl: Julie Finds a Way
American Girl: Kit Mystery Challenge!
American Gladiators
American Idol
American Mensa Academy
American Ninja Warrior
American Pool
American Pool II
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy
Amnesia Twin Pack
Amnesia World
Amnesia: Crowd
Amnesia: Later
Amnesia: Later x Crowd V. Edition
Amnesia: Memories
Among the Sleep
Amped 2
Amped 3
Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding
An American Tail
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West
An American Tail: Fievel's Gold Rush
AnEarth Fantasy Stories: First Volume
Anan Kanshuu: Onna Dikara Kinkyuu Up! DS
Anarchy Reigns
Anata Dake no Private Lesson - DS de Hajimeru - Tipness no Yoga
Anata o Yurusanai
Ancient Magic: Bazoe! Mahou Sekai
Ancient Roman: Power of Dark Side
And 1 Streetball
Andre Agassi Tennis
Andre Panza Kick Boxing
Andretti Racing
Andrew Lloyd Webber Musicals: Sing and Dance
Andro Dunos
Android Assault: The Revenge of Bari-Arm
Angel Blade: Neo Tokyo Guardians
Angel Cat Sugar
Angel Collection
Angel Graffiti S: Anata e no Profile
Angel Graffiti: Anata e no Profile
Angel Love Online
Angel Paradise Vol. 1
Angel Paradise Vol. 2: Eshinu Kimika
Angel Present
Angel Profile
Angel Senki
Angel Wish
Angel Wish: Kimi no Egao ni Chu!
Angel's Feather
Angel's Feather: Kuro no Zanei
Angelic Concert
Angelique Duet
Angelique Etoile
Angelique History
Angelique Retour
Angelique Special
Angelique Special 2
Angelique Trois
Angelique Trois: Aizouhen
Angelique Voice Fantasy
Angelique: Maren no Rokukishi
Angelique: Tenkuu no Requiem
Angler's Club: Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D
Angolmois 99
Angry Birds Star Wars
Angry Birds Trilogy
Anima: Gate of Memories
Animal Boxing
Animal Breeder
Animal Breeder 2
Animal Breeder 3
Animal Breeder 4
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome Amiibo
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival
Animal Football
Animal Genius
Animal Hospital
Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expedition
Animal Mania
Animal Paradise
Animal Paradise Wild
Animal Planet: Emergency Vets
Animal Planet: Vet Collection
Animal Planet: Vet Life
Animal Snap: Rescue Them 2 By 2
Animal Soccer World
Animal Yokochou: Doki Doki Kyuushutsu Daisakusen! no Maki
Animal Yokochou: Doki*Doki Shinkyuu Shiken! no Kan
Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley
Animaniacs: Lights, Camera, Action!
Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt
Animastar GB
Anime Eikaiwa: 15 Shounen Hyouryuuhen
Anime Eikaiwa: Tondemo Nezumi Daikatsuyaku
Anime Eikaiwa: Totoi
Anime Slot Revolution: Pachi-Slot Kidou Senshi Gundam II - Ai Senshi Hen
Animetic Story Game 1: Card Captor Sakura
Animorphs: Shattered Reality
Ankh: Curse of the Scarab King
Ankh: Tutankhamen no Nazo
Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru Densetsu
Annet Futatabi
Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
Anoko Doko Noko
Anoko wa Ore Kara Hanarenai
Anone DS
Another Bible
Another Century's Episode Portable
Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories
Another Memories
Another Mind
Another Time Another Leaf: Kagami no Naka no Tantei
Another World
Anpanman Niko Niko Party
Anpanman to Asobo: ABC Kyoushitsu
Anpanman to Asobo: Aiueo Kyoushitsu
Anpanman to Asobo: New Aiueo Kyoushitsu
Anpanman to Asobu: Aiueo Kyoushitsu DX
Anpanman to Touch de Waku Waku Training
Anpanman to Touch de Wakuwaku Training
Anpfiff: Der RTL Fussball-Manager
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Assassin Ikusei Keikaku!!
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Korosensei Daihouimou!!
Ant Nation
Antarctic Adventure
Antiphona no Seikahime: Tenshi no Score Op.A
Antz Extreme Racing
Antz Racing
Antz World Sportz
Anubis II
Ao Zora to Nakama Tachi: Yume no Bouken
Ao Zora to Nakama Tachi: Yume no Bouken Plus
Ao no 6-gou: Antarctica
Ao no Exorcist: Genkoku no Labyrinth
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm HD Edition
Ao-Don DS: Hanabi no Goku & Hanabi no Takumi
Aoi Hagane no Kihei: Space Griffon
Aoi Namida
Aoi Sora no Neosphere: Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki 2
Aoi Umi no Tristia Portable: Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki
Aoi Umi no Tristia: 10th Anniversary Memorial Pack
Aoi Umi no Tristia: Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki
Aoi no Mamade...
Aoki Densetsu Shoot!
Aoki Kakumeki no Valkyria
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika: Genchou Hishi
Apache: Air Assault
Apathy: Narugami Gakuen Toshi Densetsu Tantei Kyoku
Ape Escape
Ape Escape 2
Ape Escape 3
Ape Escape Academy
Ape Escape Academy 2
Ape Escape: Million Monkeys
Ape Escape: On the Loose
Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed
Ape Quest
Apocalypse: Desire Next
Apollo 11 VR Experience
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Appare! Gateball
Appare! Shogi Jiisan
Apple Town Monogatari
Appleseed EX
Aqua Aqua
Aqua GT
Aqua Kids
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX
Aqua Panic!
Aqua Paradise: Boku no Suizokukan
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am
Aqua World: Umibi Monogatari
AquaNox: The Angel's Tears
AquaPazza: AquaPlus Dream Match
AquaZone Option Disk Series 1: Angel Fish
AquaZone Option Disk Series 2: Black Molly
AquaZone Option Disk Series 3: Blue Emperor
AquaZone Option Disk Series 4: Clown Loach
AquaZone Option Disk Series 5: False Rummy-Nose
AquaZone: Desktop Life
AquaZone: Life Simulator
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis
Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu 2
Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu: Memories of Summer 1996
Aquanaut's Holiday
Aquanaut's Holiday: Kakusareta Kiroku
Aquarian Age: Tokyo Wars
Aquarium by DS
Ar nosurge Plus: Ode to an Unborn Star
Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star
Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Arabian Nights
Arabians Doubt
Arabians Lost
Arabians Lost & Doubt Twin Pack
Araiguma Rascal: Raccoon Rascal
Arashi no Yoruni
Arasuji de Kitaeru Sokumimi no Susume DS
Arasuji de Oboeru Sokudoku no Susume DS
Arc Arena
Arc Rise Fantasia
Arc the Lad
Arc the Lad Collection
Arc the Lad II
Arc the Lad III
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
Arcade 3D
Arcade Archives: Darius
Arcade Classic No. 1: Asteroids / Missile Command
Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede / Millipede
Arcade Classic No. 3: Galaga / Galaxian
Arcade Classic No. 4: Defender / Joust
Arcade Classic Shuu
Arcade Classics
Arcade Classics: Super Breakout / Battlezone
Arcade Classics: Volume One
Arcade Hits: Moon Cresta
Arcade Hits: Raiden
Arcade Hits: Soukyuugurentai
Arcade Party Pak
Arcade Shooter: Ilvelo
Arcade Shooting Gallery
Arcade Smash Hits
Arcade USA
Arcade Zone
Arcana Famiglia 2
Arcana Famiglia: Festa Regalo
Arcana Famiglia: La storia della Aracana Famiglia
Arcana Famiglia: La storia della Aracana Famiglia - Ancora
Arcana Famiglia: Vascello Phantasma no Majutsushi
Arcana Heart
Arcana Heart 3
Arcana Heart 3: LOVEMAX!!!!!
Arcana Strikes
Arcania: Gothic 4
Arcania: The Complete Tale
Arch Rivals
Arch Rivals: A Basket Brawl!
Archer MacLean's Super Dropzone
Archer Maclean's 3D Pool
Archer Maclean's Mercury
Arcobaleno! Portable
Arctic Tale
Arctic Thunder
Arcus 1-2-3
Arcus Odyssey
Ardy Lightfoot
Are You Alice?
Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader: Make the Grade
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Back to School
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Make the Grade
Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?
Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? Game Time
Are! Mo Kore? Mo Momotarou
Area 51
Arena Football
Arena Football: Road to Glory
Arena: Maze of Death
Aretha II
Aretha II: Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi
Aretha III
Aretha the Super Famicom
Argos no Juujiken
Argos no Senshi
Aria: The Natural ~Tooi Yume no Mirage~
Aria: The Origination ~Aoi Hoshi no El Cielo~
Ark of Time
Arkana Senki Ludo
Arkanoid DS
Arkanoid II
Arkanoid Returns
Arkanoid: Doh It Again
Arkista's Ring
Arle no Bouken: Mahou no Jewel
ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny
Armada F/X Racers
Armana no Kiseki
Armed Fighter
Armed and Dangerous
Armen Noir
Armen Noir Portable
Armin Van Buuren: In The Mix
Armor Ambush
Armor Battle
Armored Core
Armored Core 2
Armored Core 2: Another Age
Armored Core 3
Armored Core 3 Portable
Armored Core 4
Armored Core V
Armored Core: For Answer
Armored Core: Formula Front
Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle
Armored Core: Last Raven
Armored Core: Last Raven Portable
Armored Core: Master of Arena
Armored Core: Nexus
Armored Core: Nine Breaker
Armored Core: Project Phantasma
Armored Core: Silent Line Portable
Armored Core: Verdict Day
Armored Encounter! / Sub Chase!
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.
Arms' Heart
Army Corps of Hell
Army Men
Army Men 2
Army Men 3D
Army Men Advance
Army Men Gold: Collector's Edition
Army Men World War: Final Front
Army Men World War: Team Assault
Army Men: Air Attack
Army Men: Air Attack 2
Army Men: Air Combat
Army Men: Air Combat - The Elite Missions
Army Men: Green Rogue
Army Men: Major Malfunction
Army Men: Operation Green
Army Men: RTS
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2
Army Men: Sarge's War
Army Men: Soldiers of Misfortune
Army Men: Turf Wars
Army Men: World War
Army Men: World War - Land, Sea, Air
Army Rescue
Army of Two
Army of Two: The 40th Day
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf
Around The World in 50 Games
Around the World in 80 Days
Arrow Flash
Arslan Senki
Arslan: The Warriors of Legend
Art Academy
Art Academy: Home Studio
Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone
Art Alive
Art Camion Geijutsuden
Art Camion Sugorokuden
Art Master
Art of Fighting
Art of Fighting 2
Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior
Art of Fighting Anthology
Arthur and the Invisibles
Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard
Arthur to Astaroth no Nazo-Makai-Mura: Incredible Toons
Arthur! Ready to Race
Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day!
Artillery Duel
Artist Tool
Arubarea no Otome ~Uruwashi no Seishikitachi~
Arx Fatalis
Asahi Shinbun Rensai Katou Hifumi Kudan Shogi Shingiryuu
Asaki, Yumemishi
Asameshimae Nyanko
Ashes Cricket 2009
Ashita no Joe
Ashita no Joe 2: The Anime Super Remix
Ashita no Joe Touchi: Typing Namida Hashi
Ashita no Joe: Masseki ni Moe Agare!
Ashita no Joe: Masshiro ni Moe Tsukiro!
Asmik-Kun Land
Asmik-kun World 2
Asoberu Eigo: Word Magic DS
Asobi ni Iku yo! Chikyuu Pinchi no Konyaku Sengen
Ason de Chinou Up
Ason de Wakaru - The Party Casino
Asonde Aiueo
Asonde Igo ga Sara ni Tsuyokunaru: Ginsei Igo DS Chuukyuuhen
Asonde Igo ga Tsuyoku naru!! Ginsei Igo DS
Asonde Kazu Suuji
Asonde Shogi ga Kyoukunaru! Kane Hoshi Shogi DX
Asonde Shogi ga Tsuyoku naru!! Ginsei Shogi DS
Asphalt 3D
Asphalt: Injection
Asphalt: Urban GT
Asphalt: Urban GT 2
Aspic: Mahebiou no Noroi
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed Anthology
Assassin's Creed Chronicles
Assassin's Creed Double Pack
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed II: Complete Edition
Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin's Creed IV: Jackdaw Edition
Assassin's Creed Origins
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - The Da Vinci Edition
Assassin's Creed: Connor Saga
Assassin's Creed: Ezio Saga
Assassin's Creed: Ezio Trilogy
Assassin's Creed: Heritage Collection
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Ottoman Edition
Assassin's Creed: The Americas Collection
Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection
Assault City
Assault Rigs
Assault Suit Leynos
Assault Suit Leynos 2
Assault Suits Valken
Assault Suits Valken 2
Assault: Retribution
Assetto Corsa
Asterix & Obelix
Asterix & Obelix Contre Cesar
Asterix & Obelix Take on Caesar
Asterix & Obelix XXL
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission: Wifix
Asterix & Obelix XXL2: Mission: Las Vegum
Asterix & Obelix: Kick Buttix
Asterix & Obelix: Paf! Par Toutatis!
Asterix Brain Trainer
Asterix and the Great Rescue
Asterix and the Power of the Gods
Asterix and the Secret Mission
Asterix at the Olympic Games
Asterix: Auf Der Suche Nach Idefix
Asterix: Mega Madness
Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods
Asterix: These Romans Are Crazy!
Asteroid Fire
Asteroids Hyper 64
Astonishia Story
Astra Superstars
Astral Bout
AstralAir no Shiroki Eien: White Eternity
Astro Boy
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Astro Boy: The Video Game
Astro Chase
Astro Fang: Super Machine
Astro Invaders
Astro Kyuudan: Kessen!! Victory Kyuudanhen
Astro Rabby
Astro Robo Sasa
Astro Warrior
Astro Warrior & Pit Pot
Astrology DS: The Stars In Your Hands
Asuka 120% Excellent: Burning Fest. Excellent
Asuka 120% Final: Burning Fest. Final
Asuka 120% Limited: Burning Fest. Limited
Asuka 120% Maxima: Burning Fest. Maxima
Asuka 120% Special: Burning Fest Special
Asuncia: Matsue no Jubaku
Asura's Wrath
Atama de Do! Kotenko Kotenko
Atama ga Yoku Naru - The Me no Training
Atama no Kaiten no Training: Rubik's Cube & Chou Yuumei Puzzle Tachi
Atama o Kitaete Asobu Taisen Yajirushi Puzzle: Puppyinu Vector One
Atari Anniversary Advance
Atari Anniversary Edition
Atari Anniversary Edition Redux
Atari Anthology
Atari Classics Evolved
Atari Flashback Classics: Volume 1
Atari Flashback Classics: Volume 2
Atari Greatest Hits Volume 1
Atari Greatest Hits Volume 2
Atari Karts
Atari Masterpieces Vol. I
Atari Masterpieces Vol. II
Atari Video Cube
Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island
Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings
Atelier Marie + Elie
Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland
Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland
Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book
Atelier Totori Plus: The Adventurer of Arland
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland
Athena no Kateiban: Family Game
Athena ~Awakening from the ordinary life~
Athens 2004
Athletic World
Atlantic Quest
Atlantis III: The New World
Atlantis no Nazo
Atlantis: The Lost Continent
Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Atom Smasher
Atomic Betty
Atomic Punk
Atomic Robo-Kid
Atomic Robo-Kid Special
Atomic Runner
Atrevete a Sonar
Atsumare! GuruGuru Onsen
Atsumare! GuruGuru Onsen BB
Atsumare! Power Pro Kun no DS Koushien
Attack Animal Gakuen
Attack of the Killer Demos
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Attack of the Movies 3D
Attack of the Mutant Penguins
Attack of the Saucerman!
Attack of the Timelord!
Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains
AubirdForce After
Audio Hero
Aura Battler Dunbine
Aurora Quest: Otaku no Seiza in Another World
Austin Mini Racing
Austin Powers Pinball
Austin Powers: Oh, Behave!
Austin Powers: Welcome to my Underground Lair!
Australian Rugby League
Auto Crusher Palladium
Auto Destruct
Auto Modellista
Auto Racing
AutoBahn Tokio
Autobahn Polizei
Autobahn Raser IV
Autobahn Raser: Das Spiel zum Film
Automobili Lamborghini
Avalon Code
Avatar - The Last Airbender: Into the Inferno
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth
Aven Colony
Avenging Spirit
Away: Shuffle Dungeon
Awesome Golf
Awesome Possum
Awesomenauts Assemble!
Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe
Axiom Verge
Ayaka Shibito
Ayaka Shibito Portable
Ayakashi Gohan: Oomori!
Ayakashi Ninden Kunoichiban
Ayakashi Ninden Kunoichiban Plus
Ayakashi no Shiro
Ayakashibito Portable
Ayrton Senna Kart Duel
Ayrton Senna Kart Duel 2
Ayrton Senna Kart Duel Special
Ayrton Senna Personal Talk: Message for the Future
submitted by Zipdox to copypasta [link] [comments]

Off My Chest

I hate my ADHD so much sometimes. Along with my genetic condition (of which ADHD is a comorbidity), ADHD sometimes just completely stuffs me over.
For instance, I'll be fine for ages and then out of nowhere, everything gets dark super fast. Today, it's in the form of combating thoughts of how utterly useless I am for being unemployed since Nov 2019 due to a bad employer who absolutely fucked my job prospects in the state I live in. Ironically, all of my superiors at that job had ADHD - though they weren't treating theirs. The mental and emotional abuse form that experience led to me my doctors diagnosing me with stress PTSD. So now that our government has cut down our centrelink payments (like welfare) and my husband working in the film industry, our finances are at rock bottom.
And while I've got a job that starts in the next few months overseas, since I can't get hired in my sector here, I'm struggling to get the money to get my new job as well as just money to live on (like buying food and paying rent) and attend doctors appointments. This prelude leads me up to why I hate my ADHD at the moment.
I know that I am capable. I know I could figure something out online to make money, but my fear of rejection and just the motivation to continue doing something long term to do so is so low that it just doesn't happen. Today, I've spent a massive chunk of my day playing solitaire. And losing. With every loss my thoughts spiral into the abyss of how much better off it would be if I wasn't here because I'm just freeloading off of my husband (who is also inbetween work due to his industry being impacted by Covid). I'm also watching anxiously for news from my agency to learn...anything about the start of my new job. So, lack of control is also playing a part in these feelings. As well as the surging Covid cases in the country I'm moving to - which is leading to doom spiraling. I can't even stop playing solitaire and pick up playing another game I'm in so deep. I've also got closets full of art material I could do... but my feelings of inadequacy compared to others keeps me from even trying.
Does anyone else get to this sinking point where it seems like you're being swallowed whole? I've tried snapping out of it today and I just can't seem to do it. Granted, it has been building for days and I think today is the tipping point. I just feel so useless that I can't seem to find motivation to do anything - which compounds to over playing every interaction which lead me to this point and thinking about how I put people off in conversations - so I don't build the connections to get anywhere...
From how dark this post sounds, I do have an appointment with my therapist in a few days. So, I'm covered there. But it definitely doesn't solve the problems that are triggering the feelings.
Sorry for the wall of text... I just, honestly, need help or even to hear from people.
submitted by ShutterbugOwl to ADHD [link] [comments]

IDN Poker BISA Tutorial

The most popular of Indonesian gambling games, IDN Bola is also known as Neck Injury Bingo. It is a version of the popular game, Hot Bingo, but with the added feature of being able to win a huge amount of money in just a short period of time. This particular version is so popular that it has been translated into many languages and even has popular video game applications such as a Bingo game and a solitaire version. You can find many websites that offer a free version of IDN Bola online. But since many gamblers love playing this game without spending any money on the products, some gamblers play the free version knowing that it is only for fun.
To play the IDN Bola game, you need to select the ideal setting that is similar to that of hot bingo. Popular settings include a large stadium, with players shouting and cheering for their favorite team or individual player. The stadium in idn bola should be one that is filled with people cheering for the players. However, since most players prefer to bet large amounts of money on these games, you might want to select a setting where there are lesser number of people cheering for the players. You can even select the setting wherein there are fewer people cheering for the player or team.
Once you have chosen the ideal setting where to play IDN Bola, you should then choose the ideal currency that you would like to play with. Most commonly used currency in Indonesia is the IDN Bola which is exchanged with a lot of ease through the local currency market. However, if you are unfamiliar with the local currency, you can exchange it at any of the number of recognized banks such as KBC Pampuda, asi Lembong, E Saxony, CD Securities, and so on. This will allow you to acquire as much of the currency that you require for your bet in the game.
If you have finally chosen the ideal currency to play with, you should then choose the ideal player to represent your team. One good example would be the so-called Kunguay Panda player who is known for his strong defense capabilities and great agility. Another example would be the idn bola tanks who is known for his ability to use the football as a weapon. Once you have selected a player to represent your idn bola team, you should then proceed to the game itself.
In order to play the game, you should then stand a few meters away from the center of the court. This is to enable you to observe the action going on around you. You will then hear the words "agarang" and "takan" which mean to defend and attack. The "agarang" is used whenever an opponent makes an attack while the "takan" is used when you are defending your own side.
In order to win the game, you should then call out "agarang" when you think that your opponent has made an attack. Likewise, you should then call out "takan" when your opponent is about to make an attack. After calling out these two words, you should immediately give your next move by performing a roll or any other move that is not directed at anyone. If you lose your first round, you should immediately surrender the game to your opponent.
submitted by coyaw to IDNBolaTutorial [link] [comments]

Why Can't YGO Players Read? Exploring The Phenomenon

In the card game of YGO, this is the one million dollar question, the equivalent to Zeno's paradoxes. Answering this question amounts to finding Atlantis. In such a complex card game, where some people FTK you in 50 steps digging through their whole deck, you would assume that its playerbase is capable of the common form of language processing known as reading, right?
But when you see your opponent try to defeat Morning Star with his Borrelsword in the wrong column, another player attempt to Ash your Multifaker while Altergeist Protocol is up or witness several people suggesting "Maxx C to 3" every time it is banlist season, you realize the sad truth over and over again:

YGO players cannot read.

Let me tell you some reasons why that is the case:

Thus, most players are indeed children and children cannot read. Most children are not capable of comprehending huge amounts of texts at once, and tend to give up deciphering walls of text after some time. Luckily for them, the best time to learn a language and all its intricacies like reading is during younger ages - and YGO provides plenty of opportunity to practice with cards like Endymion. How considerate of you, Konami. Oh, you do not believe me? You are not a kid yourself, you say? Then why are so many YGO players crybabies whenever they do not get what they want? Why do so many YGO players decide to dodge or insult you instead of having a proper debate where arguments matter? And why did Konami see the need to introduce a hygiene policy for tournaments? Checkmate, haters.

Every YGO player knows how it feels to be tired - tired of being too goddamn fricking smart. Thanks to our 200 IQ cosmic craniums, we filter out all information we deem unnecessary. Because of our incredible intelligence, we tend to underestimate this card game at times though; we tend to be too efficient at filtering out said info. Some of us will efficiently overlook (not forget) that Naturia Beast's effect is not once per turn. Others will crash their special summoned monster into Avramax - sometimes multiple times during the same turn. And yet another group of players will take a second look at Iblee's on-field effect the moment they realize they cannot summon.WHY DO CARDS LIKE HIDDEN CITY, DRAGONIC DIAGRAM AND GOLDEN CASTLE OF STROMBERG HAVE BATTLE PROTECTION EFFECTS? THOSE ARE FIELD SPELLS SMH AND SHOULD NOT GO FULL-ON NEURALYZER ON ME EVERY TIME I ATTACK AAAAAHHHH Where was I? Oh right...this continues with other YGO-related content: Did you know that "dzeeff" is written with two f's? Do you know how many o's there are in Alex Cimo's channel name? I couldn't tell you after looking it up because I forgot already - my brain is just too smart. Who needs to know that stuff anyway?

Attending your locals can be a tedious endeavour, but for the wrong reasons. Imagine you are playing your match against the cool chad and you are unsure about the way a card functions. But asking is impossible, as you are too scared and shy to be able to approach him in front of so many guys. You came to the event to become the king of games, not to socialize. Too bad that you are not the MC as the girls do not come flying towards you despite your edgy nature. Tough luck. Because of problems like these, you might miss out on seeing that semicolon and therefore try to negate that Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss. It can happen that players miss out on that semicolon despite them actively looking at the card, too. I guess, that is the cost such players have to pay in these scenarios...Maybe Konami should include a magnifying glass in their tins instead of bad promo cards or some comically large monochrome cards?

You thought some people just want to have access to cards at all costs? Or that they wanted to save money by being smart? Or they cannot figure out that they have just bought a XYZ Dark Master instead of Exodia? Guess what, the real game is just too lame for them. The real game does not offer you a racist shark or this pp joke after all. But I should not ridicule them for this, at the end they just want to play Yu-Gi-Oh.

No matter how shitty your day might have been so far, YGO always allows you to whip out your favourite insane deck and demolish poor random casuals online. You win RPS, decide to go first/second and start busting out your 1-card Halqifibrax combos in your head. On your path to achieving the climax, you pop off - completely ignoring the Gamma your opponent revealed or the Rivalry of Warlords he has flipped up. But you do not care, as Solitaire is a game played by one player. You already reached the part where Linkross spams tokens anyway. A few judge calls, more combo plays and a DuelingBook ban later, your opponent's hand is empty - just as empty as your bal...you get it. This is not necessarily not knowing how to read, this is worse: They choose not to read on purpose. Speaking of which...

"Whenever something is not meta, I do not need to take the cards seriously, it will be bad anyway", said the player who is about to get adopted by some Weather Painter fairies and their canvases just because of his inability to get over his cockiness and therefore his inability to read. Whenever a player states that "your opponents will not know how to play against this deck/card", you know a cocky player is not far away. Hey, those are free wins after all, so who am I to complain?

I mentioned Weather Painters already as an example, but a big reason why YGO players cannot read is not that they literally do not possess the ability to read. It is because of their laziness. Whenever a YGO player sees Flower Cardians being played, he will not read the effects of said cards. Instead, he will ask himself questions like: "Aren't they all the same card? How does this thing attack something and why tf does it have 2000 ATK? And why do these things have like a billion stars? Haha big card go brrr" Even after they spammed like ten Flower Cardians, a YGO player tends to just notice that there were many monsters being summoned. Read cards to find out why that was the case or what could follow next? Nah, no need to. And do not get me started on long card names...do you know all of the D/D/D Extra Deck monsters' names by heart, like D/D/D Super Doom King Purple Armageddon?

World Legacy's Secret is a staple in almost every Mekk-Knight deck and as such, every Mekk player will be rewarded with some nice laughs whenever their opponent summons an Aleister into a column with a Mekk-Knight in it or when they try to resolve Pankratops just be stopped with a timely Secret chained to it. The next thing happening is not Pank going to the GY, it is their opponent calling a judge - just to be told that Secret indeed works that way."Why are my monsters not working?" - "Because of Secret." - "What?" - "My trap." - "...oh." - ***surrenders***There are not even five full lines of card text on the card.
YGO players just decide not to read even the simplest and shortest card texts, even though it does not make sense and they have more than enough time to do so. Studying the art of their Sky Striker cards is more important after all. Look at a player summoning a monster into the zone Sunlight Wolf is pointing to for no reason, a player using Ash Blossom, even though their other Ash got banished by Called by the Grave the turn before. I mentioned people ignoring Altergeist Protocol, heck, some Mystic Mine players seem to forget that their own field spell can blow up in the EP. Did you know that you can use Pot of Duality under Pot of Extravagance? Have you ever read the rulebook of this game before? Did you know thatSalamangreat Sanctuary, Brilliant Fusion and Metalfoes Fusion have actual effects on the field? Did you know I attacked into Hidden City AGAIN just a few hours ago? Do you know what Pot of Greed does?

Speaking of Pot of Greed, it is not always the player's fault for not reading things in YGO, as some cards hide what they do better than any government could hide confidential knowledge. Or what the cards do is not hard to understand, but the wording is just horrendous. It can happen that you read a card multiple times and still don't get what it does. Cards like Pot of Greed, Voltester, Inspector Boarder, all those Pendulum XYZ and Fusion monsters or most of the Dark World monsters just make it really tempting not to read any card effect.

That said, it does not really matter if a player can read or not. In fact, one could argue that all these aforementioned anecdotes enrich the game experience. It would be boring if everyone could read cards, played as optimally as possible and put emotional attachment aside, right? There might very well be no flavour left in the game at that point, no creativity being lived out and the Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes playerbases would shrink considerably. And who wants that?
submitted by Strider_-_ to yugioh [link] [comments]

Things to do?

I asked this in another sub, but I didn't get any replies. I thought I'd try here since a lot of us here are pretty responding to posts.
So, I have ADHD as well as schizoaffective, depressive type, which I am being treated for, but a pill doesn't solve all the symptoms I have for my ADHD, and I run out of concentration very quickly. I'm getting tired of being online my every waking moment and either playing games or watching movies. I need some kind of real life interaction and experience. I'm also broke so I can't really do anything that costs money. I have tried very many activities to try to pick up as a hobby. Drums, guitar, painting, drawing, hiking, writing, journaling, making music digitally, stock market trading, tutoring, rollerbloading, roller hockey, skateboarding, bicycling, reading, chess, sudoku, puzzles, wordsearches, photographing, thrift shopping, flea markets (going&selling), rock climbing, dungeons and dragons, LAN tournaments, learning a language, cooking, baking, museum and art gallery tours, group sports (cancelled now), coloring, video editing/producing, poker, solitaire, board gaming, poetry writing, swimming, disc golfing, regular golfing, soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee, refereeing sports. I can't go mountain biking because I don't have a bike, and I live in the midwest, where there's basically no trails. I can't go fourwheeling or dirtbiking because that costs a lot of money. I can't go snowboarding or skiing because I don't own either, and, there's really no snow here, you have to go to a resort, which costs a lot of money, and is closed now. I don't like fishing or hunting. I can't really collect anything because it, you guessed it, takes money. If you ask why I don't have any money, it's because I'm a college student and I pay $800/mnth for bills, and I only get $1000 for my housing allowance stipend, and the rest I have to save up so I have enough to cover my bills each month without going completely broke and unable to pay. The problem is, I do these things for like, a few weeks, some of them even a month or two months, but eventually, they just give me no satisfaction, and I get really bored of them. Like for guitar, I got frustrated that I couldn't learn how to play any sort of song properly, and I tried for a month, and then I had a depressive episode and just lost interest altogether. I am getting treated for the depression but that or not, I still lose interest in most things. So, what suggestions would you give for me as far as what hobbies or activities I can pick up, that might pique my interest enough for me to enjoy, and stick with it?
submitted by levi_v9 to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

Recommended Windows software for playing solitaire

So what are some of the best programs available for playing solitaire digitally on your personal computer? I test-drove some of the best ones that are available for Windows, and my findings are below, listed in order of personal preference. There are also many apps that I've covered in a separate article which also have companion versions for Windows, and those are worth exploring as well.
Bear in mind that making an objective comparison between different programs is difficult, because the number of games they offer isn't always directly comparable. For example, some programs include every rule variation as a separate "game", thus inflating the total number of "games" available, so you'll have to keep this in mind when making a straight-up comparison.

SolSuite Solitaire

SolSuite Solitaire by TreeCardGames ($19.95, current promotional price: $9.95)
SolSuite Solitaire has everything you'd look for in a good solitaire program. It comes with a very large total of 744 games, and you can arrange these by type, length, difficulty level, skill level, or chance of winning. You can also easily keep track of your favourites.
The menus are intuitive, and the interface is pleasant and user friendly. Many extra card sets, card backs, and backgrounds are available, all with very beautiful artwork and polished graphics. I especially appreciated the ability to select "themes", which allows you to change the whole look at the click of a button. So there's a large range of highly attractive visual options, which ensures that the playing experience remains pleasant.
All the premium features like statistics and high scores are included. In addition there are special tools that allow you to customize the rules for individual games, set up series of games, and even switch to a multi-player mode. It's hard to think of anything that isn't included - this program really has the goods all round, and is my top choice!
My rating: 5 stars

BVS Solitaire Collection

BVS Solitaire Collection by BVS Development ($21.95, 30-day free trial)
Coming in at a close second is BVS Solitaire Collection, which offers a large collection of 535 games (of which 100 are original), which can conveniently be arranged by category, or sorted by your favourites. A written summary with rules is provided for each individual game.
The user interface is very smooth and easy to use, and the graphics are particularly fantastic. Registered customers get access to a "Plus Pack" that includes additional card sets, card backs, and backgrounds, all of very high quality. So visually there is plenty of variety, and the game looks very attractive.
There are many special features, including the ability to save games, and keep track of statistics and high scores. A "show next move" option gives you help if you get stuck. And the ability to easily customize rules of every single game with multiple options will especially be welcome to dedicated solitaire enthusiasts. I can also recommend the companion iPad app very highly. Along with SolSuite Solitaire, this program will not disappoint the dedicated solitaire enthusiast.
My rating: 4.5 stars

Pretty Good Solitaire

Pretty Good Solitaire by Thomas Warfield ($24.95)
Pretty Good Solitaire is the work of Thomas Warfield, a dedicated solitaire gamer who has created numerous very popular solitaire games over the years. Versions also exist for Mac, iPad and iPhone. Version 20.0 for Windows is the 25th anniversary edition of this classic and respected software. The latest Windows version comes with a massive 1030 games, which can also be arranged by category, amount of luck/skill, and other criteria.
This program is unfortunately let down by a rather dated look, because the quality of the graphics used for the cards and other elements doesn't match that of the competition. There are additional card sets that can be downloaded, but the quality of these is also somewhat disappointing compared to other software. Once you're in game and playing, however, it's quite straight forward and easy to use. The companion iPad app has similar looks and performance.
As for features, Pretty Good Solitaire does let you create custom solitaire games, and also keeps track of your statistics. There are pre-arranged "tours" that let you easily explore similar games, and daily quests give you the challenge to score as many points as you can in a group of games. Besides your personal high scores you can also submit scores online to compete with other players. The creator is an expert in solitaire, and I especially appreciated the historical notes that are part of the rules and which show how different solitaire games are related. In terms of accuracy and variety, this software is hard to beat, despite its less than glamorous looks.
My rating: 4 stars

PySol Fan Club Edition

PySol Fan Club Edition by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer et al (free)
The original Python Solitaire software first originated as PySol in 1998, and was developed as an open-source game by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer. It had around 200 games when he discontinued working on it around 2004. Several fan groups continued and expanded the project, hence this Fan Club Edition, which has proven to be very successful. It now has 1069 games, and although this number includes games in more obscure categories and played with non-French decks (e.g. the 78 card Tarock deck, eight and ten suit Ganjifa cards, and Hanafuda), it still contains well over 700 solitaire games played with a traditional deck. These are neatly arranged into different categories to make it easy to find your favourites, or games that are similar.
The program works smoothly and easily, although in terms of graphics it doesn't have as much glamour as the commercial versions. But it works fine, and still offers a range of options for card-sets and backgrounds, which ensures that it doesn't have budget looks. Because it is open source software, you can find some additional card sets elsewhere (including a collection of over 150 card-sets here, which include lovely historical decks), although you'll have to figure out how to install these manually.
Special features include the ability to load and save games, use hints, and keep track of player statistics. Rules for each game are included as well. There is an auto-solve feature, but it's not entirely reliable. But for open source software, this is still an impressive package, especially considering the large number and variety of games included.
My rating: 4 stars

XM Solitaire

XM Solitaire by Petr Lastovicka (free)
Created by Petr Lastovicka, XM Solitaire is a free open source program that comes with around 200 solitaire games. These are simply arranged alphabetically, so you're on your own when it comes down to figuring out related solitaire games, and keeping track of your favourites.
The graphical limitations are really the downfall of this software, because the somewhat mediocre artwork used for the cards can affect your ability to enjoy the game-play. Many of the card sets appear to be based on scans from actual historical decks, but the resolution isn't quite what I'd prefer to see in a program like this. The menus aren't exactly very polished either, and mainly give you the ability to change up the artwork for the cards, card backs, cells, and background. However you can tweak the spread of the cards, so some customization in looks is still available.
There aren't many special features included here, but the essential ones are there, such as the ability to undo a move. For a free game, XM Solitaire still offers something useful if you're after a program for your PC and don't have money to spend, especially in light of the fact that it comes with a reasonable amount of different solitaire games.
My rating: 3 stars
Disclaimer: The information in this article was accurate around the time it was first published at PlayingCardDecks here. I play-tested these programs over the course of several months from June 2020 onwards; some may have under-gone updates since then.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to solitaire [link] [comments]

AITA for confronting my fiancé after I was turned away from the jewelry store for having a fake ring when trying to have it sized?

Update- First of all, thanks to everyone who commented on my original post and for the help. I’ve had an overwhelming amount of messages that I can’t reply to at the moment, but I appreciate everyone caring enough that they wanted an update.
I am still staying in a hotel, I don’t have any close friends or family nearby and I’ve met with a lawyer to help me sell my half of our house. He decided the relationship isn’t salvageable because I aired our dirty laundry on the internet and it got popular with the media. I’ll be leaving my job in a week to move back home with my family. Unfortunately this has put me in a financial bind but it’s better than staying with my ex at this point, I’m glad he ended it because maybe I was too much of a coward to.
The ring was just a symptom of the problem. I guess you don’t want to financially commit to an expensive ring when you know in your heart that the person doesn’t mean all that much to you.
Edit- I know this is wrong but I checked his tablet this morning when he went to work to see if I can find any information. His amazon was still logged in and found my ring on there, actually 2 of them. The first one was bought December 2nd and then another one a size smaller last night.
I’m beyond words. Not that it’s not a Tiffany ring but that he was playing me with a $6 ring. After he purchased a mini bar and an OLED TV for himself on Black Friday. I can’t believe I went into Tiffany’s with a $5 rip off. I’m mortified.
Edit again- so I texted him the link while he’s at work. He called me like 2 seconds later and asked me what’s going on. I said I went on his iPad because I had to use it and he left the browser on this. (Little lie on my part) I told him I don’t care about the ring but devastated at the lies. I told him if he doesn’t tell me the truth right now and why he did it that I’m getting a hotel and he won’t see me when he gets home. He started crying saying that he felt like he needed to get me the best but he couldn’t afford it. I said but you could afford the 3k on your stuff. He said the smallest Tiffany ring is at least 5k which i doubt is true I’m sure there’s cheaper but whatever and that he just wanted to get me a stand in until he saved up. I told him I didn’t even need the Tiffany ring. That he could have bought a $200 14k gold band at Macy’s. Instead he spent money on a box and two fake rings. He then confessed and said that he got the box from his friend that proposed with a Tiffany ring years ago and the wife doesn’t need the boxes. I hung up. I texted him I need some space and time and I’m going to go stay at a hotel to just chill for a day.
My fiancé proposed on Christmas and everything was perfect. The ring was a bit too big though and I’ve just hit my goal weight (I was losing weight) so I figured I’d have it sized correctly. I’ve been holding off because I wanted to make sure I was the correct size after losing the weight.
The ring box says Tiffany and Co. and I was literally over the moon with it. I told him he shouldn’t have spent this much on me but he said he wanted to get me the blue box. I go into Tiffany’s to have it sized because my friend told me I should only have them work on my ring. They take the ring and ask my for my fiancé’s info to look up in their system. They can’t find it and she takes the ring in the back. The manager comes back a little while after and says that this isn’t a Tiffany and co ring and shows me there’s no engraving inside.
I go home and my first thought is that he probably bought it preloved and he got duped. He comes home from work and I ask him where he got the ring from. He said Tiffany and Co. at (locations name) I flat out asked him if he got it used online and it was okay if he did. He flipped out and said no it’s new from the store. I fessed up and told him what happened with the sizing. He flipped out and said that I was checking up on him and snooping for the price, etc. I was firm and said no I just wanted it resized and they told me it’s not from their company. He said that they’re wrong and he got it there.
He told me that I should have consulted him and he would of had it sized for me and that it feels like I’m going behind his back. I’m confused by this because I thought it was a simple task that I didn’t need him for. Anyway, he won’t really talk about where he got the ring and is only saying that he will size it and took the ring.
submitted by thrwawaythrow to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

Kickstarter Roundup: August 16, 2020 | 15+ Ending Soon (including: Petrichor: Collector's Edition) & 45+ New This Week (including: Western Legends: Blood Money)

What this is:

This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter board game projects that are either:
All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (The occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!)
Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between midnight and noon PST.

Ending Soon

Project Info Players Backers Min / Avg Pledge Ends Comments
BATSU! The Punishment Card Game An improv party card game based on the live Japanese game show with hilarious punishments. // Has raised $11,062 of $2,000 so far. (~553%) ☑ 3 - 6 184 $27 / $60 Aug 16 kicktraq
MEGAcquire GOLD- Board Game Inspired by the Game of ACQUIRE An enlarged and modified version of a classic and treasured board game. Can you become the first billionaire? Forward to the Past // Has raised $22,769 of $20,000 so far. (~114%) ☑ 3 - 6 188 $50 / $121 Aug 17 kicktraq #take7
Petrichor: Collector's Edition and Cows Expansion COLLECTOR'S EDITION of Petrichor - the highly interactive board game of controlling clouds & growing crops, now with Cows Expansion! // Has raised €217,807 of €22,000 so far. (~990%) ☑ 1 - 4 3479 $19 / €63 Aug 17 kicktraq #newedition #expansion
Medieval Dead II Collection of undead dark fantasy miniatures, traditionally sculpted by hand and cast in white metal // Has raised £2,324 of £500 so far. (~465%) ☑ 39 $11 / £60 Aug 17 kicktraq #minis
F*ck The Small Talk Are you over small talk? Finally, a game that pushes all boundaries and gives no fcks. For the depraved and enlightened. // *Has raised $3,950 of $3,000 so far. (~132%) ☑** 3+ 119 $15 / $33 Aug 18 kicktraq
Top Tale: Get To Know Your Fellow Humans Top Tale is a card game that turns the process of getting to know your fellow humans into a fun experience through telling tales! // Has raised $5,817 of $8,000 so far. (~73%) 2 - 10 108 $20 / $54 Aug 18 kicktraq
Harbour Life 28-32mm Fantasy Miniatures Terrain by Mystery Studio // Has raised €5,269 of €3,000 so far. (~176%) ☑ 48 $12 / €110 Aug 19 kicktraq #minis
Clash Of The Cryptids - A Card Playing Battle Game A Folklore Game that pitches the darkest creatures in mythology against each other. // Has raised £12,033 of £5,000 so far. (~241%) ☑ 2 or 4 308 $32 / £39 Aug 19 kicktraq
Token Terrors Battlegrounds A 1 VS 1 semi-abstract battle game, starring versatile, dice-sized mini-monsters that complement trading card games and tabletop RPGs. // Has raised $25,001 of $15,000 so far. (~167%) ☑ 2 453 $45 / $55 Aug 20 kicktraq
They Came from Beyond the Grave! A dramatic, hammy, and horrifying tabletop roleplaying game encompassing the shock, terror, eroticism, and humor of 1970s horror. // Has raised $44,346 of $20,000 so far. (~222%) ☑ 826 $25 / $54 Aug 20 kicktraq #rpg
Alternate Souls Arena Card Game An “Arena Card Game” in which players build decks with character cards and move corresponding acrylic figures across the arena to win. // Has raised ¥4,344,938 of ¥5,000,000 so far. (~87%) 2 - ? 133 $60 / ¥32,669 Aug 20 kicktraq
Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Expandable Card Game An expandable card game set in the World of Darkness for 2-4 players. // Has raised $169,609 of $10,000 so far. (~1696%) ☑ 2 - 4 2148 $40 / $79 Aug 20 kicktraq
Stonehaven Adventurers 2020 A group of 28mm scale pewter fantasy hero miniatures from various races and classes. // Has raised $18,658 of $6,000 so far. (~311%) ☑ 212 $10 / $88 Aug 20 kicktraq #minis
Vinyl: Big Band Edition and Vinyl: Jukebox Vinyl Big Band and Vinyl Jukebox are the next editions in the highly-rated Vinyl series of games. // Has raised $27,644 of $25,000 so far. (~111%) ☑ 2 - 5 487 $10 / $57 Aug 21 kicktraq #expansion #reprint #newedition
Quest + Avalon Deluxe! An all-new social deduction game by Don Eskridge for 4 (or more) players & a beautiful "Big Box" version of Avalon! // Has raised $97,015 of $10,000 so far. (~970%) ☑ 4 - 10 2394 $34 / $41 Aug 21 kicktraq
The Fuzzies A gravity-defying dexterity game from the creators of Wavelength, The Mind, and Monikers. // Has raised $80,908 of $10,000 so far. (~809%) ☑ 2 - 4+ 2414 $19 / $34 Aug 21 kicktraq
Playmats by Michael C. Hayes Playmats designed to stand out at the gaming table by MTG artist Michael C. Hayes // Has raised $2,466 of $3,000 so far. (~82%) 41 $38 / $60 Aug 21 kicktraq #bling

New This Week

Project Info Players Backers Min / Avg Pledge Ends Comments
"Hack!" card game. "Hack" is a game in which up to 4 players try to hack each others computers, using routers and USB cables. // Has raised €520 of €6,990 so far. (~7%) 21 $25 / €25 Oct 10
Arkwright the Card Game A streamlined card game version of the renowned board game Arkwright! // Has raised $39,580 of $25,000 so far. (~158%) ☑ 2 - 4 1372 $29 / $29 Sep 03
Beets Bombs and the Blüffs A Game for People who love Bragging, Bluffing, and Blowing up their friends. // Has raised $3,937 of $2,500 so far. (~157%) ☑ 4 - 6 111 $25 / $35 Sep 10
Board Game Design Starter Kit A box full of everything you need to get that game out of your head and onto a table! // Has raised $23,048 of $10,000 so far. (~230%) ☑ 500 $19 / $46 Sep 03 #bling
Clawful Villains A super fun casual card game where you use super Heroes to defeat super Villains in a super simple way so even the non-super can play! // Has raised A$715 of A$6,200 so far. (~12%) 2 - 10 20 $22 / A$36 Sep 08
Climate Crisis - a collaborative game to save the planet An educational (and fun) game about our Climate Crisis and how we can work together to make a difference! // Has raised A$3,688 of A$8,888 so far. (~41%) 4 - 6 47 $36 / A$78 Sep 06
Cretaceous : A Dinosaur Hunting Adventure Take on the role of mercenaries sent back in time to capture dinosaurs. Will you bring back the biggest prize in 65 million years? // Has raised $2,270 of $5,800 so far. (~39%) 2 - 4 36 $48 / $63 Sep 10
Dictator: How Democracy Dies A current events card game where YOU undermine Democracy and take over. // Has raised $806 of $12,000 so far. (~7%) 10 $25 / $81 Sep 03 #hmm
Duels of Cartisora ⚔️🛡⚔️ A Card-based One-on-one Battle-simulation⚔️🛡⚔️ // Has raised C$588 of C$1000 so far. (~59%) 2 20 $19 / C$29 Aug 25
Dungeonrunnner: The Immortal Set Solitaire Fantasy Card Game // Has raised $4,054 of $1,000 so far. (~405%) ☑ 1 41 $19 / $99 Aug 30
DVG - Zero Leader Command a squadron of Japanese Aircraft and Pilots across the Pacific Theater of WWII. Attack bases, ships, bombers, and fighters. // Has raised $41,622 of $30,000 so far. (~139%) ☑ 1 405 $75 / $103 Sep 02
ENDANGERED ORPHANS: HOUSE OF RATH New boogeyman. New orphans. New gameplay. Once again, the orphans are running for their lives—this time in the House of Rath! // Has raised $67,704 of $4,097 so far. (~1653%) ☑ 2 - 6 1321 $30 / $51 Sep 09
Endangered: New Species A board game expansion of survival: new animals need your help to ensure their continued existence. // Has raised $57,858 of $15,000 so far. (~386%) ☑ 1 - 5 900 $45 / $64 Aug 28 #expansion
ENDLESS TACTICS A tabletop game that can be played without certain miniatures. Each player can put together his own values! // Has raised €118 of €100 so far. (~118%) ☑ 8 $6 / €15 Sep 12
Fairy, Unicorn, Mermaid, Princess, Kitten - Card Game & Pins A cute family card game of magical creatures, complete with enamel pin set! // Has raised $8,712 of $5,000 so far. (~174%) ☑ 2 - 6 265 $15 / $33 Sep 01
FREEDOM or GOVERNMENT the two cannot coexist A card game about fighting government power! // Has raised $36 of $5,600 so far. (~1%) 2 - 4 2 $25 / $18 Sep 12
Gameingo:The New Standard In Gaming world(9 Games In 1 Game) Gameingo : The New Standard In Gaming World( 9 Games In 1 Game )( sling puck -chess - backgammon - snake - ludo - X&O - puzzle - maze) // Has raised $4 of $9,000 so far. (~0%) 4 $250 / $1 Oct 09 #lolwut
Get Wrecked Wreck your friends, wreck this game, wreck everything! // Has raised $36 of $4,500 so far. (~1%) 5 $45 / $7 Oct 12 #lolwut
Glen More II: Highland Games Expanding the award-winning Glen More II with an Automa Solo Mode + 3 new Chronicles by Rüdiger Dorn, Jonny Pac & Funtails Development! // Has raised €99,589 of €30,000 so far. (~332%) ☑ 1 - 4 2376 $42 / €42 Sep 04 #expansion
Gold Mine! card reveal game (manufactured) One deck for 1 player; 2 or more decks for multi-player competition // Has raised $666 of $80 so far. (~832%) ☑ 1+ 19 $20 / $35 Aug 31
Grimm Fairy Tales TAROT a Game of Souls A card game based on Coup d'Etat, first played within the dungeons of France over two centuries ago! // Has raised $9,518 of $25,000 so far. (~38%) 3 - 5 107 $25 / $89 Sep 08
GUN&SLINGER A game of mystery, hope, and finding your way in a world twisted by the forgotten child of a god that ate the sky. // Has raised $10,136 of $4,350 so far. (~233%) ☑ 3 352 $ / $29 Sep 12 #rpg
ICE CREAM YOU SCREAM! The Family Game of Dice, Holiday Gift! 5th Kickstarter!! Previous Projects We Love also available: ICE CREAM EMPIRE, WHISKEY BUSINESS!, BREW HA HA!, & READ BETWEEN THE WINES! // Has raised $8,792 of $20,000 so far. (~44%) 2 - 6 118 $40 / $75 Sep 17
Is That Banana Loaded? (TM) New dice and card game. Steal the Gold from the Goblin and get Home, but beware other players will battle you with their crazy weapons. // Has raised £96 of £200 so far. (~48%) 2 - 5 6 $14 / £16 Sep 09
Jokes On You - Party Game for the Creative & Witty Write / Re-Write Your Own Jokes, Puns, Dad Jokes Mad-Lib Style // Has raised $357 of $150 so far. (~238%) ☑ 4+ 19 $24 / $19 Sep 12
LEGACY! The Ultimate Card Game to Close the Wealth Gap LEGACY! the card game that empowers our youth to build their LEGACY in an equitable world. // Has raised $3,263 of $507 so far. (~644%) ☑ 2 - 5 66 $27 / $49 Sep 10
Luzon Rails Step onto the island of Luzon in this tabletop game for budding rail entrepreneurs. // Has raised €4,460 of €1,600 so far. (~279%) ☑ 3 - 5 188 $22 / €24 Sep 02
Master of Wills - Waterborne Waterborne will bring powers of rage and primal instinct to Master of Wills, a game of endless strategy and depth. // Has raised $17,937 of $10,000 so far. (~179%) ☑ 1+ 137 $30 / $131 Sep 04 #expansion
Matches The Online Dating Board Game // Has raised $1,740 of $1,500 so far. (~116%) ☑ 2 - 6 36 $49 / $48 Sep 30
Mini Portable Wood Bowling Game The Most Portable And Funny Artesanal Wood Bowling Game (Customized with your name written in) // Has raised MX$2,689 of MX$10,000 so far. (~27%) 1+ 6 $46 / MX$448 Sep 12
Moons & Stars - Handmade Strategy Boardgame Discover an ancient artifact-an otherworldly game that will push the limits of your creativity and logic. // Has raised $2,815 of $4,000 so far. (~70%) 2 39 $35 / $72 Sep 13
New take on children's boardgames! Galactic Scouts Vs. The Silly Bears. Physical activity while playing a boardgame! // Has raised $78 of $10,000 so far. (~1%) 5 $10 / $16 Sep 10
Nova Lux Take charge of a federation of orphaned alien species that have escaped dead star systems in the wake of a galactic apocalypse. // Has raised $13,192 of $4,700 so far. (~281%) ☑ 1 - 6 288 $27 / $46 Sep 03
Round Dice Tower + Custom Dice Vaults by Mystic Wood Forge Hand turned ROUND dice towers that are works of art. Enhance your D&D or other Role Playing game by adding an realistic elements. // Has raised $1,514 of $2,000 so far. (~76%) 13 $60 / $116 Sep 10 #bling
Slime Time Play as dungeon slime who are tired of being treated as second-tier enemies in this take that card game for 2-5 players. // Has raised $460 of $200 so far. (~230%) ☑ 2 - 5 35 $12 / $13 Aug 27
Sniper Elite - The Board Game A stealth action miniatures board game for 1-4 players. Designed by David Thompson and Roger Tankersley. // Has raised £46,425 of £22,000 so far. (~211%) ☑ 1 - 4 802 $53 / £58 Sep 01
The Great American Witch A modern gothic tabletop RPG where you play a powerful coven of witches in conflict with the supernatural and secret societies. // Has raised $6,850 of $650 so far. (~1054%) ☑ 451 $15 / $15 Aug 27 #rpg
The Great War: Tank Battles A strategic card game using WWI tanks to obliterate your enemy! // Has raised $637 of $4,500 so far. (~14%) 2 - 6 13 $25 / $49 Sep 09
The Righteous Memes A faith-based party game for meme lovers // Has raised $57 of $7,500 so far. (~1%) 4+ 3 $25 / $19 Sep 10
The Tweets From The Loo A satirical card game based on political powerhouses. Take part in an epic battle between US, Britan, EU, and Russia // Has raised £116 of £8,500 so far. (~1%) 2 - 4 5 $12 / £23 Sep 29
The Wyrmwood Modular Gaming Table: Coffee & Dining Models A revolutionary table that evolves over a lifetime. Innovative, yet affordable, with magnetic accessories. Crafted without compromise. // Has raised $6,541,788 of $1,000,000 so far. (~654%) ☑ 6974 $35 / $938 Oct 09 #bling
This Game Gets You Drunk (and Smashed) The drinking party game that gets you and your friends drunk in 20mins or less! // Has raised A$1,662 of A$2,000 so far. (~83%) 1+ 35 $13 / A$47 Sep 15
Token Sesame - The Transforming Token Holder for Board Games Save table space / Infinite configurations / Collectible art plates by tabletop artists / Converts to dice tray / Compact travel mode. // Has raised $149,135 of $11,000 so far. (~1356%) ☑ 1693 $69 / $88 Sep 10 #bling
Trasteros Locos. Crazy Auctions. The Game of Amazing Collections! ¡El Juego de las Colecciones Asombrosas! // Has raised €374 of €10,000 so far. (~4%) 3 - 6 14 $24 / €27 Sep 13
Vicious Cats Card games Vicious Cats Card game, cats can be cute...and deceptive! // Has raised $1,023 of $16,700 so far. (~6%) 20 $30 / $51 Oct 01
WAVEWAR WAVEWAR is a Tabletop Game of Skill, Wealth, Betrayal and.. a Bit of Luck! // Has raised $7,227 of $37,000 so far. (~20%) 2 - 6 48 $40 / $151 Sep 10
Western Legends: Blood Money Enter the final chapter in the Western Legends saga, Blood Money. Adventure lovers, add the risk you have been looking for! // Has raised $229,075 of $45,000 so far. (~509%) ☑ 2 - 6 4179 $30 / $55 Aug 25 #expansion

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Simon J., who loved playing regular Solitaire cards, switched over to playing Solitaire Cube on his phone and have already earned over $500 after the first deposit. So if you think you can handle playing some Solitaire to win some legit cash, definitely download this game for free. CashPirate is an app you can install and utilize to earn money from playing games. You earn points for each game or activity you complete with this app. The other activities include interacting with ads, downloading and trying out other apps and games, watching short videos and completing quick surveys. Online Solitaire for Money. Solitaire (aka Klondike, Spider, Patience) is a well-known game in which you can play not only one, but also compete with other players. The winner is the one who scored the most points. A simple form of the game is installed on all versions of Windows and this is probably one of the main reasons for its huge popularity. And you get cashback for every dollar you spend while playing it online. But since your primary goal is to earn money, we’ll suggest you stick to Swagbucks’ free games. Swag Jump and Swag Memory are starters to get paid to play games online. You can redeem the points (Swags) for Paypal deposit of $25 once you rack up 2,500 points. You can also make money playing games on the website. While there are many paid games on the platform, which you play through GSN, Swagbucks also offers a number of free games. For example, there’s Swagasaurus Run, which is an online game that involves guiding Swagasaurus Bux over lazy stegosauri and leaping over deadly chasms. If I am being honest I would suggest that you look into some other ways to earn an income online that can make you far more money for the same amount of work. Conclusion. And there it is – my honest opinion on whether you can make money with Solitaire Real. Yes, the game is 100% genuine and legitimate. You can solve a variety of online word puzzles and win money if you solve the clues correctly. All you have to do is sign up for free and play any puzzle of your choice. You will be given 60 minutes to solve the puzzle. Play Solitaire for Money: Can You Really Win Money? Yes, one can really win money by playing this game, so it is highly recommended to play this game and let you even practice against other players. If you have some doubts about this game, which are pretty obvious, you can also deposit a little amount of money and start playing the game. Can You Make Money with Online Games? If you’re an avid gamer, making money with online games is worth a try. There are real money earning games for those who like being in front of an audience or playing tournament style as well as options for more behind-the-scenes work. Make sure you’re realistic about your expectations. It is genuinely possible for you to make money when you play games online. Whether it is playing bingo or solitaire, downloading featured mobile apps, or joining high stakes casino games, people make money each day by playing games online, and you can make money in your spare time too.

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